------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHASEX Signal Routing: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-----+ +-----+ |Osc-1| |Osc-2| (!) lfos, inputs, envelopes, velocity, midi note, +-----\ /-----+ or tempo based frequency. ^ \ / ^ (!) \ / (!) (*) inputs, envelopes, velocity, midi note, || or temp based frequency. +-----+ || +-----+ |Osc-3| || |Osc-4| (#) velocity. +-----\ || /-----+ ^ \----/ ^ (!) |Mix/| (!) +------+ +---------+ +------+ +-----+ |/Mod|-------->|Filter|->|Amplifier|->|Chorus|->|Delay| /----\ +------+ +---------+ +------+ +-----+ +-----/ || \-----+ ^ ^ ^ ^ | |LFO-4|--||->|LFO-3|----+ | | | v +-----+ || +-----+ | | | +------+ ^ || ^ (#) (#) | |Output| (*) / \ (*) | +------+ / \ | +-----/ \-----+ | |LFO-2|----->|LFO-1|-------------------+ +-----+ +-----+ ^ ^ (*) (*) Please note that the signal diagram shown above is a simplified overview of the synth architecture as a whole. Signal inputs marked with (!), (*), (#) add a level of flexibility beyond what is shown. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The oscillators are inter-modulated in the modulator sections, where each oscillator serves as the carrier with independently routable modulators for amplitude, frequency, and phase offset modulations. The LFOs serve mostly as additional modulators to facilitate basic time-based gating, sweep effects, cyclical effects. But they can do more. Anything is possible in the modulator sections. 4-op/4-lfo AM/FM/PM. This is where a patch gets its texture, timbre, and harmonic content beyond that of the original waveforms used. With PM, this is also where a patch gets it's initial spatial quality within the stereo field. Play with the modulations one at a time. Sometimes combining all three modulation types is a bit much, especially AM. Sometimes the FM needs to be fine-tuned to really bring out the right harmonics. After being modulated, oscillators are then mixed onto a single stereo mix bus. Depending on the 'Mix Mod' setting, an oscillator either Mixes down onto the mix bus, Amplitude Modulates the mix bus, detaches from the mix bus to allow it to become a Modulator only, or turns Off completely. The filter carves out frequency space (and can add some of it back in at higher quantities with resonance). The phasex filter uses the standard filter bands: LowPass (keep frequencies below the cutoff), HighPass (keep frequencies above the cutoff), BandPass (keep frequencies surrounding the cutoff, and BandStop modes (scoop frequencies centered at the cutoff). The combo modes just stack two of these filter bands together, both with their center frequency tied to the filter cutoff. Filter cutoff can modulated by velocity or an lfo. It is also modulated by the filter envelope. The amplifier gives the patch it's dynamics based on note-on/note-off messages, velocity data, and an ADSR envelope. This is what shapes the amplitude, or volume, into distinct "notes". Panning and stereo width are handled in the amplifier before the signal is routed through the effects. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------