Highly visible missing features

Significant amount of users feel the need for those.

  • auth_conn - access to pg_shadow, so auth_file is not needed. [ flat-text files are gone in 9.0+ ]

  • Protocol-level plan cache.

  • LISTEN/NOTIFY. Requires strict SQL format.

  • SSL support. Although stunnel works for plain SSL, it cannot be linked with Postgres authentication.

  • Load-balancing / failover.

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Problems / cleanups

  • hba-style access control

  • per-db pool_mode

  • per-user pool_mode, other settings ([users], user=connstr?)

  • identd authentication

  • Maintenance order vs. lifetime_kill_gap: http://lists.pgfoundry.org/pipermail/pgbouncer-general/2011-February/000679.html

  • per_loop_maint/per_loop_activate take too much time in case of moderate load and lots of pools. Perhaps active_pool_list would help, which contains only pools touched in current loop.

  • new states for clients: idle and in-query. That allows to apply client_idle_timeout and query_timeout without walking all clients on maintenance time.

  • check if SQL error codes are correct

  • removing user should work - kill connections

  • keep stats about error counts

  • cleanup of logging levels, to make log more useful

  • to test:

    • signal flood

    • no mem / no fds handling

  • fix high-freq maintenance timer - it’s only needed when PAUSE/RESUME/shutdown is issued.

  • Get rid of SBUF_SMALL_PKT logic - it makes processing code complex. Needs a new sbuf_prepare_*() to notify sbuf about short data. [Plain false from handler postpones processing to next event loop.]

Dubious/complicated features

  • User-based route. Simplest would be to move db info to pool and fill username into dns.

  • units for config parameters.

  • some preliminary notification that fd limit is full

  • Move all "look-at-full-packet" situtations to SBUF_EV_PKT_CALLBACK

  • pool_mode = plproxy - use postgres in full-duplex mode for autocommit queries, multiplexing several queries into one connection. Should result in more effiicent CPU usage of server.

  • SMP: spread sockets over per-cpu threads. needs confirmation that single-threadedness can be problem. it can also be that only accept() + login handling of short connection is problem. that could be solved by just having threads for login handling, which would be lot simpler. or just deciding that its not worth fixing.