An introduction to gp2cBy Bill Allombert and Ariel Pacetti |
The gp2c compiler is a package for translating GP routines into the C programming language, so that they can be compiled and used with the PARI system or the GP calculator.
The main advantage of doing this is to speed up computations and to include your own routines within the preexisting GP ones. It may also find bugs in GP scripts.
This package (including the latest versions) can be obtained at the
After downloading the file gp2c-x.y.zplt.tar.gz (where x,y,z and t depend on the version), you first have to unzip the file with the command:
gunzip gp2c-x.y.zplt.tar.gz
This will create the new file gp2c-x.y.zplt.tar. Next you have to extract the files with the tar program:
tar -xvf gp2c-x.y.zplt.tar
Note: You can do both steps at once with GNU tar by using the command:
tar -zxvf gp2c-x.y.zplt.tar.gz
This creates a directory gp2c-x.y.zplt, which contains the main gp2c files. Now you have to install the program.
You need the file pari.cfg. This file can be found in the PARI object directory and is installed in $prefix/lib/pari/.
Copy or link this file in the gp2c directory, be sure to call it pari.cfg.
ln -s .../lib/pari/pari.cfg pari.cfg
Run ./configure, which will search for the PARI version and some other configuration tools of the system. To install the program, type make, and the program will be compiled. You can then run make check to verify that everything has gone fine (a bunch of OK’s should show up). All of this is completely standard, and you are now ready to use gp2c.
You can use gp2c directly from this directory or you can install it by running make install as root. If you do not install it, you can run it from the gp2c directory by typing ./gp2c
The simplest way to use gp2c is to call gp2c-run. If you want to know what happens in detail, see next section.
To make the examples easier to follow, please move to the gp2c directory and link the root of your PARI source there:
ln -s .../pari .
As an example, we will take the file pari/examples/, which is a simple implementation of the well-known SQUFOF factoring method of D. Shanks.
We just run the command:
./gp2c-run pari/examples/
After a little processing we get a GP session. But this session is special, because it contains the compiled squfof function. Hence we can do the following:
parisize = 4000000, primelimit = 500000 ? squfof(3097180303181) [419] i = 596 Qfb(133225, 1719841, -261451, 0.E-28) %1 = 1691693
Let’s try a bigger example:
? squfof(122294051504814979) [20137] *** the PARI stack overflows ! current stack size: 4.0 Mbytes [hint] you can increase GP stack with allocatemem() ? allocatemem() *** Warning: doubling stack size; new stack = 8.0 MBytes. ? squfof(122294051504814979) [20137] [20137, 3445] i = 46474 Qfb(321233929, 131349818, -367273962, 0.E-28) %2 = 73823023
We need a large stack because by default gp2c does not generate code to handle the stack (the so-called gerepile code). To instruct gp2c to add gerepile code automatically, we must use the -g option. So quit this GP session and launch a new one with -g. Oh well, before that type
ls pari/examples/*
pari/examples/ pari/examples/ pari/examples/ pari/examples/ pari/examples/
These are the files generated by gp2c-run:
It is the shared library which is used by GP.
Now let’s continue:
./gp2c-run -g pari/examples/
parisize = 4000000, primelimit = 500000 ? squfof(122294051504814979) [20137] [20137, 3445] i = 46474 Qfb(321233929, 131349818, -367273962, 0.E-28) %1 = 73823023
This time it works with no difficulty using the default stack. We would like to know how much faster the compiled code runs, so we need to load the non compiled squfof file in GP:
? \r pari/examples/ *** unexpected character: squfof(n)=if(isprime(n),retur ^--------------------
Why?? Because squfof already exists as an installed function and GP refuses to overwrite it. To solve this problem, we will add a suffix to the name of the compiled function under GP. Quit the session and type:
./gp2c-run -g -s_c pari/examples/
Now the function squfof is named squfof_c instead, so we can do
parisize = 4000000, primelimit = 500000 ? \r pari/examples/ ? # timer = 1 (on) ? squfof(122294051504814979) [20137] [20137, 3445] i = 46474 Qfb(321233929, 131349818, -367273962, 0.E-28) time = 5,810 ms. %1 = 73823023 ? squfof_c(122294051504814979) [20137] [20137, 3445] i = 46474 Qfb(321233929, 131349818, -367273962, 0.E-28) time = 560 ms. %2 = 73823023
So the compiled version is more than ten times faster than the noncompiled one. However for more complex examples, compiled code usually runs only three times faster on average.
An extra trick: once you have run gp2c-run on your script, it is compiled and you can use the compiled version outside gp2c-run in any GP session by loading the file with extension For example quit the gp2c-run session and start gp and do
parisize = 4000000, primelimit = 500000 ? \r pari/examples/
Now you have access to the compiled function squfof_c as well.
Now we want to compile directly with gp2c to understand what happens. We should run the command
./gp2c pari/examples/ >
This creates a file in the gp2c directory. Now read this file with your favorite editor.
The first line is highly system-dependent, but should be similar to:
/*-*- compile-command: "/usr/bin/gcc -c -o pari/examples/ -O3 -Wall -I/usr/local/include pari/examples/ && /usr/bin/gcc -o pari/examples/ -shared pari/examples/"; -*-*/
This is the command needed to compile this C file to an object file with the C compiler and then to make a shared library with the linker. If you use emacs, typing ’M-x compile’ will know about this command, so you will just need to type Return to compile.
The second line is
#include <pari/pari.h>
This includes the PARI header files. It is important that the header files come from the same PARI version as GP, else it will create problems.
The next lines are
/* GP;install("squfof","D0,G,p","squfof","./pari/examples/"); GP;install("init_squfof","v","init_squfof","./pari/.../"); */
The characters "GP;" denote a command that should be read by GP at start-up. Here, the install() commands above must be given to GP to let it know about functions defined by the library. gp2c-run copy such commands to the file ./pari/examples/
Please read the entry about the install() command in the PARI manual.
The init_squfof function is an initialization function that is created automatically by gp2c to hold codes that is outside any function. Since in our case there are none, this is a dummy function. In other cases, it is essential. The next lines are
GEN squfof(GEN n, long prec); void init_squfof(void); /*End of prototype*/
This is the C prototypes of your functions. The rest of the file is the C code proper.
For teaching purpose, let’s run the command
./gp2c -s_c pari/examples/ >
and look at the difference between and
diff -u
--- Tue Feb 26 13:44:42 2002 +++ Tue Feb 26 13:44:49 2002 @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ /*-*- compile-command: "/usr/bin/gcc -c -o pari/examples/ -DMEMSTEP=1048576 -g -Wall -Wno-implicit -I/usr/local/include pari/examples/ && /usr/bin/ld -o pari/examples/ -shared pari/examples/"; -*-*/ #include <pari/pari.h> /* -GP;install("squfof","D0,G,p","squfof","./pari/examples/"); -GP;install("init_squfof","v","init_squfof","./pari/.../"); +GP;install("squfof","D0,G,p","squfof_c","./pari/...les/"); +GP;install("init_squfof","v","init_squfof_c","./par.../"); */ GEN squfof(GEN n, long prec); void init_squfof(void);
If you are not familiar with the diff utility, the above means that only the two lines starting with GP;install have changed. In fact squfof is still named squfof in the C file, but the install command tells GP to rename it squfof_c in the GP session.
The gp2c compiler can also be used to find errors in GP programs. For that we should use the -W option like in
./gp2c -W pari/examples/ >
Warning:pari/examples/ undeclared p Warning:pari/examples/ undeclared dd Warning:pari/examples/ undeclared d Warning:pari/examples/ undeclared b ... Warning:pari/examples/ undeclared b1
This option lists variables that are used but not declared. It is important to declare all your variables with local(), or with global(). For gp2c, undeclared variables are taken to be “formal variables” for polynomials. For example if you write a function to build a second degree polynomial like
you must not declare ’x’ here, since it stands for the formal variable x.
One you have successfully compiled and tested your functions you may want to reuse them in another GP program.
The best way is to copy the install commands of the functions you use at the start of the new program so that reading it will automatically load the compiled functions.
As an example, we write a simple program that reads
install("squfof","D0,G,p","squfof","./pari/examples/"); fact_mersenne(p)=squfof(2^p-1)
and run GP:
parisize = 4000000, primelimit = 500000 ? \rfact ? fact_mersenne(67) i = 2418 Qfb(10825778209, 4021505768, -13258245519, 0.E-28) %1 = 193707721
So all goes well. But what is even better is that gp2c understands the install command and will be able to compile this new program.
Also this particular example will fail because as stated above, PARI/GP already has a squfof function, and the linker will pick the wrong one, which is unfortunate.
So use the -p option to gp2c-run to change squfof to my_squfof.
./gp2c-run -pmy_ -g pari/examples/
This option prefixes my_ to every GP name in the program so as to avoid name clashes. Change to
install("my_squfof","D0,G,p","squfof","./pari/examples/"); fact_mersenne(p)=squfof(2^p-1)
and run
./gp2c-run -g
parisize = 4000000, primelimit = 500000 ? fact_mersenne(67) i = 2418 Qfb(10825778209, 4021505768, -13258245519, 0.E-28) %1 = 193707721
Nice isn’t it?
But it gets even better: instead of writing the install command directly
in your script you can just load the using
: just change to
\r ./pari/examples/ fact_mersenne(p)=squfof(2^p-1)
If you have some experience in PARI programming, you may want to manually edit the C file generated by gp2c, for example to improve memory handling. Here some tips:
Internally gp2c assign types to objects. The most common types are given below:
name | description |
void | like in C |
bool | boolean, true (1) or false (0) |
negbool | antiboolean, true (0) or false (1) |
small | C integer long |
int | multiprecision integer |
real | multiprecision floating point |
mp | multiprecision number |
var | variable |
pol | polynomial |
vecsmall | vector of C long (t_VECSMALL) |
vec | vector and matrices (excluding vecsmall) |
list | GP lists |
str | characters string as a char * |
genstr | characters string as a GEN (t_STR) |
gen | generic PARI object (GEN) |
lg | length of object (returned by length) |
typ | type of object (returned by type) |
Table 1: Types preorder
Types are preordered as in Table 1. The complete preorder known by gp2c can be accessed by running gp2c -t.
Variables are typed. A variable can only take values having a type equal or lower than its type. By default, variables are of type gen.
To declare a variable as belonging to type type, use:
local(x:type, y:type=2)
global(x:type, y:type=2)
To declare several variables of the same type type at once, use:
local(x, y=2):type
global(x, y=2):type
You can even mix the two ways:
local(x, y:type2=2):type1
will declare x to be of type type1 and y of type type2.
Under GP, all GP variables start with a default value, which is 0 for a local variable and ’v for a global variable v.
The gp2c compiler follows this rule for variables declared without a type. However, when a variable is declared with a type, gp2c will not assign it a default value. This means that the declaration local(g) is equivalent to local(g:gen=0), but not to local(g:gen), global(g) is equivalent to global(g:gen=’g), but not to global(g:gen), and f(g)=... is equivalent to f(g:gen=0)=..., but not to f(g:gen)=....
This rule was chosen for several reasons:
Sometimes, we know a more precise type than the one the transtyping algorithm can derive. For example if x is a real number, its logarithm might be complex. However, if we are sure x is positive, the logarithm will be real.
To force an expression to belong to type type, use
the syntax:
gp2c will check types consistency and output warnings if necessary.
For example
f(x:int)=local(r:real); r=log(x^2+1)
gp2c will complain that the logarithm might not be real. Since x^2+1
is always positive, we can write:
f(x:int)=local(r:real); r=log(x^2+1):real
Declaring the types of variables allow gp2c to perform some optimisations. For example, the following piece of GP code
rho(n)= { local(x,y); x=2; y=5; while(gcd(y-x,n)==1, x=(x^2+1)%n; y=(y^2+1)%n; y=(y^2+1)%n ); gcd(n,y-x) }
generates the following output:
GEN rho(GEN n) { GEN x = gen_0, y = gen_0; x = gen_2; y = stoi(5); while (gcmp1(ggcd(gsub(y, x), n))) { x = gmod(gaddgs(gsqr(x), 1), n); y = gmod(gaddgs(gsqr(y), 1), n); y = gmod(gaddgs(gsqr(y), 1), n); } return ggcd(n, gsub(y, x)); }
The functions gsqr, gaddgs, gmod, ggcd are generic PARI functions that handle gen objects. Since we only want to factor integers with this method, we can declare n, x y of type int:
x=2; y=5; while(gcd(y-x,n)==1, x=(x^2+1)%n; y=(y^2+1)%n; y=(y^2+1)%n ); gcd(n,y-x) }
The new C code output by gp2c is:
GEN rho(GEN n) /* int */ { GEN x, y; /* int */ if (typ(n) != t_INT) pari_err(typeer, "rho"); x = gen_2; y = stoi(5); while (gcmp1(gcdii(subii(y, x), n))) { x = modii(addis(sqri(x), 1), n); y = modii(addis(sqri(y), 1), n); y = modii(addis(sqri(y), 1), n); } return gcdii(n, subii(y, x)); }
Now, the code now uses the more specific functions sqri, addis, modii and gcdii.
The most efficient way to use typing is to declare some variables of type small. This way, these variables will be implemented by C long variables, which are faster than PARI integers and do not require garbage collecting. However, you will not be protected from integer overflow. For that reason, gp2c will automatically declare some loop indices of type small when the range cannot cause overflow. Sometimes gp2c can be too conservative but you can force a loop index to be small with the syntax for(i:small=a,b,...).
For use with members functions, gp2c provides the following types:
Members functions on typed objects are much more efficient.
Meta-commands (commands starting with a \
) other than \r
currently ignored by gp2c, though a warning will be issued, because it
is not clear what they should do in a compiled program. Instead you probably
want to run the meta-command in the GP session itself.
The meta-command \r
include is replaced with the content of the
file include (or when gp2c reads the file.
If you would prefer gp2c to link to the program instead,
see Section 2.4.
The functions forell and forsubgroup are currently not implemented as an iterator but as a procedure with callbacks, which limits what you can do inside the loop.
Some functions are passed to GP by gp2c-run at start-up (using the GP; syntax) instead of being translated in C: install and addhelp. In practice, they can be considered as supported.
Some functions are built-in in GP, and so are not available to libpari programs. So if you use them gp2c generate a program that needs to run under GP, or with gp2c-run. Since the C prototype for those functions are not available, the C compiler will output a warning. This serves as a reminder of the problem. They are all the plotting functions and allocatemem, default, extern, input, quit, read, system, whatnow.
Some GP functions are not available for C programs, so the compiler cannot handle them. If you use them you will get the infamous "unhandled letter in prototype" error. Sorry for the inconvenience. These are plot, ploth, plotrecth.
Also the functions read, eval, kill may compile fine but have a
surprising behaviour in some case, because they may modify the state of the GP
interpreter, not of the compiled program. Please see
Section 4.3 for details. For example
is very different from f(n)=n^2
The forstep function is supported when the step is a number. If it is a vector, you must add a tag :vec to make GP know about it like in
f(x)= { local(v); v=[2,4,6,6,6,6,6,2,4,6,6] forstep(y=7,x,v:vec,print(y)) }
This is not needed if the step is a vector or a variable of type vec, but is needed if the step is only an expression which evaluates to a vector.
There is little that can be done about these problems without changing PARI/GP itself.
While a lot of work has been done to ensure that gp2c handles global variables properly, the use of global variables is still a lot of trouble, so try to avoid them if you do not understand the implications on memory handling.
First, there is a common practice to use undeclared variables as formal variables, for example we assume x=’x and write a*x+b instead of a*’x+b. So gp2c will not raise an undeclared variable to the rank of global variable unless you declare it with the global() command, or you use it at toplevel (i.e. outside any function). See also Section 2.3
Second, global variables seen by a compiled function are C variables, not GP variables. There is no connection between the two. You may well have two variables with the same name and a different content. Currently GP knows only how to install functions, not variables, so you need to write compiled functions in order to access global variables under GP.
Basically, global variables are allocated in the main stack which is destroyed
each time GP prints a new prompt. This means you must put all your commands on
the same line. Also global variables must be initialized using the
function before being used, and are only supported
with the -g flag.
So you end up doing gp2c-run -g
parisize = 4000000, primelimit = 500000 ? init_global();myfunction(args);
Note that nothing prevents you from calling init_global in the GP program. In that case, you can omit the parentheses (i.e, write init_global, not init_global()) so that you can still run your noncompiled program.
Another way to handle global variables is to use the clone function which copies a PARI object to the heap, hence avoids its destruction when GP prints a new prompt. You can use unclone to free a clone. Please read the PARI/GP manual for more information about clone.
A good use of clone is for initializing constant variables: for example in test/gp/, the vector T is initialized by
You must still run the init_<filename>
after starting GP, but after
that you can use T safely.
GP itself currently does not know about clone and unclone, but you can use dummy functions
clone(x)=x unclone(x)=while(0,)
when running uncompiled.
GP lists are not fully supported by gp2c. A partial support is available with the list type. You must tell gp2c that a variable will contain a list by using L:list inside a declaration, where L is the name of the variable as explained in Section 3.
Currently, assigning to a list element (L[2]=x) will not work and lists will not be freed unless you explicitly use listkill.
Note: The PARI user’s manual states that lists are useless in library mode.
The install command is interpreted as a gp2c directive. This allows using installed function in compiled programs, see Section 2.4.
However this has some side-effects:
Here is a brief description of the main options of gp2c, which can be seen with ./gp2c -h.
In Section 2.1 we saw how to use the -g option.
The variable ’F’ is undeclared in this routine, so when running gp2c with the -W option it prints undeclared F
At present, an undeclared variable is taken to be a "formal variable" for
polynomials by gp2c, so do not declare it if that is what you intend.
For example in pol(a,b,c)=a*x^2+b*x+c
you must not declare x since
it stands for the formal variable ’x.
Try this option each time the compiler fails to compile gp2c output to see if there is a name conflict. If this is the case, change the name in your GP script. It may be difficult to find conflicting names if your compiler is not verbose enough and if you are not familiar with the PARI code and C in general.
Example of conflicting names are top,bot,prec,un, but there are thousands of others and they may be system-dependent.
test(data,flag=0)={CODE}This does not affect the C code, only the install commands.
Reasons why a GP function may not be known by the compiler are:
Normally no functions are added between two stable releases of GP with the same minor version number (say 2.1.1 and 2.1.2) so there is no need to recompile gp2c when you upgrade. But if you use the developement versions, you need to recompile. Also some new developement versions may break old versions of gp2c, so upgrade gp2c at the same time.
However, if you want to compile scripts which do not use the new functions, you do not need to recompile. Note that you may use the GP environment variables to tell gp2c-run which GP to use.
This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.