
NEW: NJplot plots trees in PDF and PostScript formats (not for MacOS).
NEW: NJplot allows to open several tree windows.
NEW: NJplot can draw multibranched trees with or without branch lengths.

NJplot is a tree drawing program able to draw any phylogenetic tree expressed in the Newick phylogenetic tree format (e.g., the format used by the PHYLIP package). NJplot is especially convenient for rooting the unrooted trees obtained from parsimony, distance or maximum likelihood tree-building methods.

A screen shot of the main window of njplot is available here.

Use of NJPlot

Any rooting of the unrooted tree can be interactively specified using the mouse. NJplot also allows zooming, branch swapping, display of bootstrap scores and printing in the PDF format. NJplot can therefore be used as a graphical extension of any package of phylogenetic programs which employs the standard tree format for storing trees (i.e., with most such packages).

Download NJplot

Executables and full source code can be downloaded through our FTP server. You may also use the following table to directly access the version corresponding to your computer:

MacOS (8,9)

Linux on PC
in case of font problem
Use without X11 display: newicktopdf

MS Windows


HP Alpha

The Mac and Windows versions are self-extracting archives which include an example file, help information, and the unrooted program that draws unrooted trees. The Windows version is for any MS Windows version except 3.*.

For unix versions, get also an example tree file and the on-line help file.

Note for unix/linux users: In case of problem with default fonts, the font used by menus and buttons can be changed through the resource mechanism:
- add to your $HOME/.Xdefaults file the single line
Vibrant.systemfont : Helvetica,14,b
and activate the change by running command xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xdefaults
- you may change the font name (times, courier, fixed) and size.
- For that change to apply systemwide, create a file named Vibrant and containing the above line in directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults or in a directory pointed to by environment variable XAPPLRESDIR.

Use as a helper application

NJplot can be used as a standalone application or as a helper application when using the World Wide Web. In this case, prospective users must configure their WWW browser in a way to make it able to recognize the MIME-type associated to the data read by NJplot: chemical/njplot.


If you use NJplot in a published work, please cite the following reference:
Perrière, G. and Gouy, M. (1996) WWW-Query: An on-line retrieval system for biological sequence banks. Biochimie, 78, 364-369.

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