---------------------------------------------- | NETWOX 's CONTRIBUTORS | ---------------------------------------------- This file lists people who contributed in developing netwox. ------------ http://www.digital-network.org/ Previous web provider. Pavel Evdokimov September 2002 : Russian translation. George (aka Mindrider) September 2002 : Hellenic translation. Baha "rage" DERICIOGULLARI (017913 at students dot emu dot edu dot tr) Since January 2004 : Turkisk translation of the website. ------------ Xeno February2002/4.05 : port to MacOS X (except spoofing functions) March2002/4.08 : bug in genemake about MacOS X : ppp instead of ppc March2002/4.08 : idea for display of negative values in numeric conversion tools. Nick Drage March2002/4.07 : English spelling corrections March2002/4.07 : In help mode, upper value for HTTP clients was incorrect (202 instead of 294). March2002/4.08 : English spelling corrections March2002/4.08 : Ethernet address in description of few tools was not correct ("aa:bbcc:dd:ee:ff"). March2002/4.08 : idea for tool 351 March2002/4.08 : idea for fixed length display of binary data in numeric conversion tools. March2002/4.08 : Update of text displayed in tool 176. March2002/4.08 : idea for tools 248..251,319,320 (ping tools) : user can specify the max number of sent packets. April2002/4.09 : patch for tool 175 because displayed information was mis-aligned. Sebastien Salladin March2002/4.08 : Tool 208 crashed, when no answer was received, because of a free() on an unallocated memory area. Minos April2002/4.08 : remarks about compilation problems with g++ Contributor who wanted to be anonymously listed April2002/4.09 : bug in tools using lcrzo_device_value_pos( LCRZO_DEVICE_TYPE_ONLYBOARDS, etc.) when there is no Ethernet card in the computer. Steven Vanberghen August2002/4.13 : Tool 286 cannot retrieve a FTP site having a directory name containing space. Tool 409 uses another algorithm (walk through instead of staying at the root), so it corrects the problem. Christophe Delahaye August2002/4.14 : In shared_http_appendm_authbasiclogpass and shared_http_appendm_proxyauthbasiclogpass, output parameter pdatasize was not set when login and password were NULLs. October2002/4.16 : In tool 351, if user specified a bad tool number, the displayed error was about tool 351 instead of the bad tool. October2002/4.16 : In tool 324, under Windows (except 2k and XP), if the range contained an unreachable computer, the tool stopped. November2002/4.17 : In tools 281..284, FTP transfers were done in the default type of the server. So, with some servers, ascii mode was used instead of binary mode, and files were corrupted. 2003,2004/5.x : Several usage suggestions which permitted to improve tools. I cannot remember them all. A big thanks to him. Eric Sommer August2002/4.14 : In tools 97, 98, 99, 107, 105, 191, 193, 195, 197, 199, 201 and 203, client and server ports were reverted. Anand Jain August2002/4.14 : In tool 134, if a class B network was used, edge addresses were not correct. Sept2002/4.15 : Tool 134 entered an infinite loop when used on class B network. "yigael" October2002/4.16 : In tool 60, an ACK was sent instead of a RST Neil Cafferkey November2002/4.17 : Test of lcrzo/ex with Linux under PPC processor. Yannick Koehler : patch to support RADIUS features, available separately on the web site Olivier Thauvin October2003/5.5.0 : Improvements in genemake file to support a more generic installation. Creation of Mandrake Cooker packages. Olivier Thauvin October2003/5.5.0 : Improvements in genemake file to support a more generic installation. Creation of Mandrake Cooker packages. Jens-Harald Johansen December2003/5.6.0 : Under Linux, when a network card had no IP address, it was not possible to use it for sniffing or spoofing. The problem was that netwib didn't retrieve the associated configuration (see netwib's changelog). Stef March2004/5.12.0 : Report of compilation errors occurring after script changes in version 5.10.0. Suresh Ravindran April2004/5.15.0 : Report of files in netwib-5.14.0-bin_windows which were generated using version 5.13.0 of netwib. Bartosz Fenski April2005/5.30.0 : Debian package at http://packages.qa.debian.org/n/netw-ib-ox-ag.html