You can define the location where newly built panzers move by holding your left mouse button and dragging the mouse from the outpost to the desired location. %% You can scroll the map by holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse around. %% You can allie with other players by holding down the "a"-key and selecting a unit of your desired allie. Your allie has todo the same, otherwise his units will keep shooting at your units. %% You can send a message to all players by pressing RETURN and typing the message. You can chat to your allies only by pressing CTRL+a. %% Some servers randomly place powerups on the map. Sometimes a powerup can turn the tide of war. %% Panzers that move don't shoot. However you can force them to do so by pressing CTRL and selecting a target location with your mouse. %% You can change the screen resolution in the Options/Visuals menu. A higher resolution can be a tactical advantage. %% You can use ALT+Enter to toggle fullscreen mode. %% You can help the netpanzer development team! If you know how to code C++, are a good artist, musician, leveldesigner, writer or betatester, then contact us at or join #netpanzer at the network. %% You can send suggestions for more tips of the day to