mrtg-webserver - hints for web server configuration
If you want people to actually see the results of your network
monitoring efforts you will need a webserver.
This document lists some configuration hints for webservers.
Contributions welcome.
CCoonnffiigguurriinngg mmoodd__eexxppiirree
A big issue with mrtg monitoring data is the expiry time. All these
nice graphs you can create are only valid for a short time. If you do
not take special action some webbrowsers will not notice this and you
may end up with people seeing old data because of caching issues.
The apache module mod_expire allows you to setup special expiry
properties for individual file.
Here is an example for how this may look for an mrtg web directory.
The configuration directives can be stored into a _._h_t_a_c_c_e_s_s file.
# Example .htaccess for use with apache-1.2 and mod_expire.
# (mod_expire come with apache-1.2 but you have to explicitly
# activate it when compiling the httpd ...)
ExpiresActive On # enable expirations
# five minutes
ExpiresDefault M300
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault M1800
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault M7200
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault M86400
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault M300
# index.html is not automatically generated
ExpiresActive Off
2.17.4 2012-01-12 MRTG-WEBSERVER(1)