Known bugs in Mathomatic ------------------------ Factorial bug: Try "factor number 17!", 17! gives wrong answer 355687428096001, should be 355687428096000 (off by 1). This bug is because of slightly faulty gamma functions that come with the standard C math library. Can be fixed by compiling with -DNOGAMMA on the cc command line. This will make factorial integer only. "factor number 18!" and higher don't work because the maximum safely representable integer for double precision floating point is 15 digits long. This is not a bug. Absolute values and complex number problems: Absolute values and the imaginary unit (i) do not always remain intact after being manipulated with the standard rules of algebra. For example, 1/i correctly simplifies to -i, changing the sign of the result. So the fraction command and other possible operations may give wrong results due to differing sign after manipulations. The simplify command should always work, but it is not guaranteed for these. The solve command may have a problem too, but using the verify option should check that the result of solving absolute value or complex number equations is 100% correct. Solving modulus equations: May result in garbage, due to incomplete modulus operator solving code. I could just disable it, but I choose to research it at a later time, because it does sometimes work nicely. Again, the "solve verify" option tells if you should trust the results.