- DKIM_STAT_NOKEY is returned if the DNS query for a selector
(public key) record returned with NXDOMAIN, i.e. the record
does not exist; this should be considered a permanent failure.
- DKIM_STAT_CANTVRFY is returned if the DNS query for a selector
(public key) record timed out or suffered some other kind of transient
failure; verification can be re-attempted later.
- DKIM_STAT_SYNTAX is returned to indicate required data could
not be extracted from the arriving message to be signed or verified,
or if a selector (public key) record returned from a DNS query could
not be parsed (e.g. corrupted, wrong format, etc.).
- DKIM_STAT_NOSIG can be returned early, i.e. from
dkim_eoh(), if no signature was found
on a message which is being verified. See that function's description
for further details.
- DKIM_STAT_INTERNAL can be returned on system error (e.g.
malloc() failure), or if functions provided by this API are
called in the incorrect order (e.g.
dkim_getsighdr() before
dkim_eom(), or
dkim_header() after
dkim_eoh(), etc.).
- DKIM_STAT_REVOKED is returned when a key found in a signature
has been revoked and thus is no longer valid.
- DKIM_STAT_INVALID is returned when a function in this library
is called with at least one invalid parameter.
- DKIM_STAT_NOTIMPLEMENT is returned when an attempt is made
to use a feature that is not yet implemented.
- DKIM_STAT_KEYFAIL is returned when a key retrieval operation
failed for some transient reason; the caller should try again later
- DKIM_STAT_CBREJECT is returned when a library function used
a user-provided callback function which returned
DKIM_CBSTAT_REJECT, explicitly requesting message rejection
- DKIM_STAT_CBTRYAGAIN is returned when a library function used
a user-provided callback function which returned
DKIM_CBSTAT_TRYAGAIN, which indicates the callback could not
complete now but might work later
- DKIM_STAT_CBERROR is returned when a library function used
a user-provided callback function which returned
DKIM_CBSTAT_ERROR, which indicates the callback failed