
Plugin: add-received

This plugin adds headers to the start of the message as detailed below.


Received host to match
Received IP to match
Additional headers
This and the following four environment variables are inserted into their respective parts in the standard Received: header described below.

Sender Action


Recipient Action


Data Action

If $FIXUP_RECEIVED_HOST and $FIXUP_RECEIVED_IP are set and do not exactly match the current local host and IP, a Received: header is added to show a transition from one to the other. Then a standard Received: header is added. Finally, if $HEADER_ADD is set, its contents are added to the message headers.

The standard Received: header has the following format:

Received: from helo_domain (remotehost [remoteip]
        by localhost ([remoteip])
        with protocol via transport; date

Message Action
