Key macro c implements the command copy.
copy [option]
where option is one of the following:
- direction [distance]
- Copy the selection relative to the original in the direction direction by an amount distance.
- to x y
- Copy the selection to the coordinate location specified by the coordinate pair x y.
The copy command creates a copy of the current selection. Without arguments, the lower-left hand corner of the copied selection is placed at the current cursor position (the X11 cursor, not the magic "cursor box"). With arguments direction and distance, the new copy is placed relative to the original in the indicated direction by the indicated amount. The default distance is 1 unit (usually lambda; see distance for further explication).Note that usage copy center is useful to make a copy in the current edit cell of a selection of paint and/or subcells in a non-edit cell. With this use, the copy will be generated directly on top of the original.
copy is implemented as a built-in magic command.
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Last updated: October 6, 2004 at 12:41am