Index of values

add_entry [Zip]
Zip.add_entry data zf name adds a new entry to the ZIP file zf.
add_entry_generator [Zip]
Zip.add_entry_generator zf name returns a pair of functions (add, finish).

close_in [Zip]
Close the given ZIP file handle.
close_in [Gzip]
Close the given input channel.
close_out [Zip]
Finish writing the ZIP archive by adding the table of contents, and close it.
close_out [Gzip]
Close the given output channel.
comment [Zip]
Return the comment attached to the given ZIP file, or the empty string if none.
compress [Zlib]
compress_direct [Zlib]
copy_channel_to_entry [Zip]
Same as Zip.add_entry, but the data associated with the entry is read from the input channel given as first argument.
copy_entry_to_channel [Zip]
Zip.copy_entry_to_channel zf e oc reads and uncompresses the data associated with entry e of ZIP file zf.
copy_entry_to_file [Zip]
Zip.copy_entry_to_file zf e destfile reads and uncompresses the data associated with entry e of ZIP file zf.
copy_file_to_entry [Zip]
Same as Zip.add_entry, but the data associated with the entry is read from the file whose name is given as first argument.

deflate [Zlib]
deflate_end [Zlib]
deflate_init [Zlib]
dispose [Gzip]
Same as Gzip.close_in, but does not close the underlying regular file channel (of type Pervasives.in_channel); just dispose of the resources associated with the decompression channel.

entries [Zip]
Return a list of all entries in the given ZIP file.

find_entry [Zip]
Zip.find_entry zf filename returns the description of the entry having name filename in the ZIP file zf.
flush [Gzip]
Same as Gzip.close_out, but do not close the underlying regular file channel (of type Pervasives.out_channel); just flush all pending compressed data and dispose of the resources associated with the compression channel.

inflate [Zlib]
inflate_end [Zlib]
inflate_init [Zlib]
input [Gzip]
input ic buf pos len uncompresses up to len characters from the given channel ic, storing them in string buf, starting at character number pos.
input_byte [Gzip]
Same as Gzip.input_char, but return the 8-bit integer representing the character.
input_char [Gzip]
Uncompress one character from the given channel, and return it.

open_in [Zip]
Open the ZIP file with the given filename.
open_in [Gzip]
Open a compressed file for reading.
open_in_chan [Gzip]
Open a compressed file for reading.
open_out [Zip]
Create (or truncate to zero length) the ZIP file with the given filename.
open_out [Gzip]
Open a compressed file for writing.
open_out_chan [Gzip]
Open a compressed file for writing.
output [Gzip]
output oc buf pos len compresses and writes len characters from string buf, starting at offset pos, and writes the compressed data to the channel oc.
output_byte [Gzip]
Same as Gzip.output_char, but the output character is given by its code.
output_char [Gzip]
Output one character to the given compressed channel.

plain_uncompress [Zlib]

read_entry [Zip]
Zip.read_entry zf e reads and uncompresses the data (file contents) associated with entry e of ZIP file zf.
really_input [Gzip]
really_input ic buf pos len uncompresses len characters from the given channel, storing them in string buf, starting at character number pos.

uncompress [Zlib]
update_crc [Zlib]