type string
type encoding =
[ `ISO_8859_1 | `US_ASCII | `UTF_16 | `UTF_16BE | `UTF_16LE | `UTF_8 ]
type dtd = Xmlm.S.string option
type name = Xmlm.S.string * Xmlm.S.string
type attribute = * Xmlm.S.string
type tag = * Xmlm.S.attribute list
type signal =
[ `Data of Xmlm.S.string
| `Dtd of Xmlm.S.dtd
| `El_end
| `El_start of Xmlm.S.tag ]
val ns_xml : Xmlm.S.string
val ns_xmlns : Xmlm.S.string
type pos = int * int
type error =
[ `Expected_char_seqs of Xmlm.S.string list * Xmlm.S.string
| `Expected_root_element
| `Illegal_char_ref of Xmlm.S.string
| `Illegal_char_seq of Xmlm.S.string
| `Malformed_char_stream
| `Max_buffer_size
| `Unexpected_eoi
| `Unknown_encoding of Xmlm.S.string
| `Unknown_entity_ref of Xmlm.S.string
| `Unknown_ns_prefix of Xmlm.S.string ]
exception Error of Xmlm.S.pos * Xmlm.S.error
val error_message : Xmlm.S.error -> Xmlm.S.string
type source =
[ `Channel of Pervasives.in_channel
| `Fun of unit -> int
| `String of int * Xmlm.std_string ]
type input
val make_input :
?enc:Xmlm.S.encoding option ->
?strip:bool ->
?ns:(Xmlm.S.string -> Xmlm.S.string option) ->
?entity:(Xmlm.S.string -> Xmlm.S.string option) ->
Xmlm.S.source -> Xmlm.S.input
val input : Xmlm.S.input -> Xmlm.S.signal
val input_tree :
el:(Xmlm.S.tag -> 'a list -> 'a) ->
data:(Xmlm.S.string -> 'a) -> Xmlm.S.input -> 'a
val input_doc_tree :
el:(Xmlm.S.tag -> 'a list -> 'a) ->
data:(Xmlm.S.string -> 'a) -> Xmlm.S.input -> Xmlm.S.dtd * 'a
val peek : Xmlm.S.input -> Xmlm.S.signal
val eoi : Xmlm.S.input -> bool
val pos : Xmlm.S.input -> Xmlm.S.pos
type 'a frag = [ `Data of Xmlm.S.string | `El of Xmlm.S.tag * 'a list ]
type dest =
[ `Buffer of Xmlm.std_buffer
| `Channel of Pervasives.out_channel
| `Fun of int -> unit ]
type output
val make_output :
?decl:bool ->
?nl:bool ->
?indent:int option ->
?ns_prefix:(Xmlm.S.string -> Xmlm.S.string option) ->
Xmlm.S.dest -> Xmlm.S.output
val output_depth : Xmlm.S.output -> int
val output : Xmlm.S.output -> Xmlm.S.signal -> unit
val output_tree : ('a -> 'a Xmlm.S.frag) -> Xmlm.S.output -> 'a -> unit
val output_doc_tree :
('a -> 'a Xmlm.S.frag) -> Xmlm.S.output -> Xmlm.S.dtd * 'a -> unit