Index of values

abs_range [Xml]
Get the absolute character range the error occured at.
attrib [Xml]
attrib xdata "href" returns the value of the "href" attribute of the xml node (attribute matching is case-insensitive).
attribs [Xml]
attribs xdata returns the attribute list of the xml node.

check [Dtd]
Check the Dtd data structure declaration and return a checked DTD.
check_eof [XmlParser]
When a Xml document is parsed, the parser will check that the end of the document is reached, so for example parsing "<A/><B/>" will fail instead of returning only the A element.
check_error [Dtd]
children [Xml]
children xdata returns the children list of the xml node Raise Xml.Not_element if the xml is not an element
concat_pcdata [XmlParser]
When several PCData elements are separed by a \n (or \r\n), you can either split the PCData in two distincts PCData or merge them with \n as seperator into one PCData.

error [Xml]
Get a full error message from an Xml error.
error_msg [Xml]
Get the Xml error message as a string.

fold [Xml]
fold f init xdata is equivalent to List.fold_left f init (Xml.children xdata) Raise Xml.Not_element if the xml is not an element

iter [Xml]
iter f xdata calls f on all children of the xml node.

line [Xml]
Get the line the error occured at.

make [XmlParser]
This function returns a new parser with default options.
map [Xml]
map f xdata is equivalent to f (Xml.children xdata) Raise Xml.Not_element if the xml is not an element

parse [XmlParser]
Once the parser is configurated, you can run the parser on a any kind of xml document source to parse its contents into an Xml data structure.
parse_error [Dtd]
parse_file [Xml]
Parse the named file into an Xml data structure.
parse_file [Dtd]
Parse the named file into a Dtd data structure.
parse_in [Xml]
Read the content of the in_channel and parse it into an Xml data structure.
parse_in [Dtd]
Read the content of the in_channel and parse it into a Dtd data structure.
parse_string [Xml]
Parse the string containing an Xml document into an Xml data structure.
parse_string [Dtd]
Parse the string containing a Dtd document into a Dtd data structure.
pcdata [Xml]
pcdata xdata returns the PCData value of the xml node.
prove [XmlParser]
This function enable or disable automatic DTD proving with the parser.
prove [Dtd]
Prove an Xml document using a checked DTD and an entry point.
prove_error [Dtd]

range [Xml]
Get the relative character range (in current line) the error occured at.
resolve [XmlParser]
When parsing an Xml document from a file using the Xml.parse_file function, the DTD file if declared by the Xml document has to be in the same directory as the xml file.

tag [Xml]
tag xdata returns the tag value of the xml node.
to_string [Xml]
Print the xml data structure into a compact xml string (without any user-readable formating ).
to_string [Dtd]
Print a DTD element into a string.
to_string_fmt [Xml]
Print the xml data structure into an user-readable string with tabs and lines break between different nodes.