Hand-held management layer


TIEXPORT3 CalcFeatures TICALL ticalcs_calc_features(CalcHandle* handle)

Returns the features and operations supported by the hand-held.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
Return value :
a mask of features (CalcFeatures).


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_isready(CalcHandle* handle)

Check whether calc is ready.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
Return value :
0 if ready else ERR_NOT_READY.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_send_key(CalcHandle* handle, uint16_t key)

Check whether calc is ready.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
key :
a TI scancode
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_execute(CalcHandle* handle, VarEntry* ve, const char* args)

Remotely execute a program or a FLASH application. Restrictions: execution of FLASH applications is supported thru D-USB only.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
ve :
folder and variable name with type
args :
argument to pass to program (in TI-charset, aka native)
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_recv_screen(CalcHandle* handle, CalcScreenCoord* sc, uint8_t** bitmap)

Request a screenshot and receive a raw B&W bitmap (1 bit per pixel).

handle :
a previously allocated handle
sc :
a structure which contains required screen format and returns screen sizes
bitmap :
adress of pointer for allocated bitmap. Must be freed when no longer needed.
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_get_dirlist(CalcHandle* handle, GNode** vars, GNode **apps)

Request a directory listing.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
vars :
a tree of folder & variables
apps :
a tree of FLASH apps
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_get_memfree(CalcHandle* handle, uint32_t* ram, uint32_t *flash)

Request free memory. Do a dirlist to update value.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
ram :
RAM memory available
flash :
Flash memory available
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_recv_backup(CalcHandle* handle, BackupContent* content)

Request a backup and receive it.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
content :
backup content
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_send_backup(CalcHandle* handle, BackupContent* content)

Send a backup.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
content :
backup content
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_send_var(CalcHandle* handle, CalcMode mode, FileContent* content)

Send one or more variables (silent mode).

handle :
a previously allocated handle
mode :
to document
content :
file content to send
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_recv_var(CalcHandle* handle, CalcMode mode, FileContent* content, VarRequest* vr)

Request receiving of _one_ variable (silent mode).

handle :
a previously allocated handle
mode: :
content :
where to store variable content
var :
a #VarEntry structure got with dirlist
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_send_var_ns(CalcHandle* handle, CalcMode mode, FileContent* content)

Send one or more variable (non-silent mode).

handle :
a previously allocated handle
mode: :
content :
file content to send
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_recv_var_ns(CalcHandle* handle, CalcMode mode, FileContent* content, VarEntry** var)

Receive one or more variable (non-silent mode).

handle :
a previously allocated handle
mode: :
content :
where to store variables
var :
information on the received variable (if single) or NULL (if group)
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_send_app(CalcHandle* handle, FlashContent* content)

Send a FLASH app.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
content :
content to send
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_recv_app(CalcHandle* handle, FlashContent* content, VarRequest* var)

Request receiving of a FLASH app.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
content :
where to store content
var :
FLASH app to request
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_send_os(CalcHandle* handle, FlashContent* content)

Send a FLASH os.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
content :
content to send
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_recv_idlist(CalcHandle* handle, uint8_t* idlist)

Request ID-LIST of hand-held.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
idlist :
static buffer (32 chars) where to store ID-LIST
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_dump_rom_1(CalcHandle* handle)

Send a ROM dumping program to hand-held.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_dump_rom_2(CalcHandle* handle, CalcDumpSize size, const char *filename)

Start dumping (if possible).

handle :
a previously allocated handle
size :
optional size of dump
filename :
where to store the dump
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_set_clock(CalcHandle* handle, CalcClock* _clock)

Set date & time of hand-held (if AMS >= 2.09).

handle :
a previously allocated handle
clock :
a #CalcClock structure
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_get_clock(CalcHandle* handle, CalcClock* _clock)

Get date & time of hand-held (if AMS >= 2.09).

handle :
a previously allocated handle
clock :
a #CalcClock structure
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_send_cert(CalcHandle* handle, FlashContent* content)

Send a certificate.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
content :
content to send
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_recv_cert(CalcHandle* handle, FlashContent* content)

Request receiving of a FLASH app.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
content :
where to store content
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_recv_backup2(CalcHandle* handle, const char *filename)

Request a backup and receive it to file.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
filename :
name of file where to store backup
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_send_backup2(CalcHandle* handle, const char* filename)

Send a backup from file.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
filename :
name of file which contains backup to send
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_send_var2(CalcHandle* handle, CalcMode mode, const char* filename)

Send one or more variables (silent mode) from file.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
mode :
to document
filename :
name of file
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_recv_var2(CalcHandle* handle, CalcMode mode, const char* filename, VarRequest* vr)

Request receiving of _one_ variable (silent mode).

handle :
a previously allocated handle
mode: :
content :
where to store variable content
var :
a #VarEntry structure got with dirlist
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_send_var_ns2(CalcHandle* handle, CalcMode mode, const char* filename)

Send one or more variable (non-silent mode).

handle :
a previously allocated handle
mode: :
filename :
name of file
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_recv_var_ns2(CalcHandle* handle, CalcMode mode, const char* filename, VarEntry** vr)

Receive one or more variable (non-silent mode).

handle :
a previously allocated handle
mode: :
filename :
where to store variables
var :
information on the received variable (if single) or NULL (if group)
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_send_app2(CalcHandle* handle, const char* filename)

Send a FLASH app or os.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
filename :
name of file
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_recv_app2(CalcHandle* handle, const char* filename, VarRequest* vr)

Request receiving of a FLASH app.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
content :
where to store content
var :
FLASH app to request
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_new_fld(CalcHandle* handle, VarRequest* vr)

Request creation of a folder. Beware: %vr.name may be modified !

handle :
a previously allocated handle
vr :
name of folder to create (vr->folder)
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_del_var(CalcHandle* handle, VarRequest* vr)

Request deleting of a variable (if possible).

handle :
a previously allocated handle
var :
var to delete
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_rename_var(CalcHandle* handle, VarRequest* oldname, VarRequest *newname)

Remotely rename a variable, and/or move it to a different folder.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
oldname :
existing name and folder
newname :
new name and folder
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_change_attr(CalcHandle* handle, VarRequest* vr, FileAttr attr)

Remotely change a variable's archive/lock state.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
vr :
variable to modify
attr :
new attributes for variable
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_get_version(CalcHandle* handle, CalcInfos* infos)

Request version info.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
infos :
where to store version information
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_send_cert2(CalcHandle* handle, const char* filename)

Send a certificate.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
filename :
name of file
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_recv_cert2(CalcHandle* handle, const char* filename)

Request certificate. Depending on extension, saves it as *.9Xq or *.cer.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
filename :
name of file
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_send_os2(CalcHandle* handle, const char* filename)

Send a FLASH app.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
filename :
name of file
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_send_tigroup2(CalcHandle* handle, const char* filename, TigMode mode)

Send a TiGroup file.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
filename :
name of file
mode :
which vars/apps to send
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_calc_recv_tigroup2(CalcHandle* handle, const char* filename, TigMode mode)

Receive a TiGroup file.

handle :
a previously allocated handle
filename :
name of file
mode :
which vars/apps to receive
Return value :
0 if successful, an error code otherwise.

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