Index of values

capitalize [Text]
capitalize t returns t with its first letter upper-cased
char [Text]
char code returns the character corresponding to the given unicode code-point.
check [Text]
check str checks that str is a valid UTF-8 encoded string.
chunk [Text]
chunk a b returns the chunk of text between a and b.
code [Text]
code text returns the unicode code-point of first character of text.
compare [Text]
Compares two texts according to the current locale
concat [Text]
concat sep l returns the concatenation of all texts contained in l, separated by sep.
contains [Text]
contains text sub returns whether sub appears in text
count [Text]
count f text returhs the number of characters of text verifying f

decode [Encoding]
decode decoder buffer ptr len decodes with decoder bytes at position ptr in buffer
decode [Text]
decode ?encoding str decode the given string encoded in encoding, which defaults to Encoding.system
decoder [Encoding]
Creates a decoder from an encoding-name

encode [Encoding]
encode decoder buffer ptr len code encodes code with encoder at position ptr in buffer
encode [Text]
encode ?encoding txt encode the given text with encoding, which defaults to Encoding.system plus transliteration.
encoder [Encoding]
Creates an encoder from an encoding-name
ends_with [Text]
ends_with s suffix returns true iff s ends with suffix.
equal [Encoding]
equal e1 e2 returns whether e1 and e2 denotes the same encoding.
equal_at [Text]
equal_at ptr str returns wether ptr points to a substring equal to str
exists [Text]
exists f text returns whether at least one character of text verify f
explode [Text]
explode txt returns the list of all characters of txt.

filter [Text]
filter text ~ implode (List.filter f (explode text))
find [Text]
find ?from text patt returns a pointer to the first occurrence of patt in text.
fold [Text]
fold f x text ~ List.fold_left f x (explode text)
for_all [Text]
for_all f text returns whether all characters of text verify the predicate f

get [Text]
get text n returns the n-th character of text.

icompare [Text]
Compares two texts, case-insensitive
implode [Text]
implode l returns the concatenation of all texts contained in l.
init [Text]
init n f returns f 0 ^ f 1 ^ ... ^ f (n - 1)
is_alnum [Text]
is_alpha [Text]
is_ascii [Text]
is_blank [Text]
is_cntrl [Text]
is_digit [Text]
is_graph [Text]
is_lower [Text]
is_print [Text]
is_punct [Text]
is_space [Text]
is_upper [Text]
is_xdigit [Text]
iter [Text]
iter f text ~ List.iter f (explode text)

lchop [Text]
lchop t returns t without is first character.
length [Text]
Return the number of unicode character contained in the given text
lines [Text]
Returns all lines of the given text, without end of line characters.
lower [Text]
lower t returns the upper-cased version of t.
lstrip [Text]
lstrip ?chars text removes all characters of text which are part of chars at the left.

map [Text]
map f text ~ implode ( f (explode text))
move [Text]
move n ptr moves ptr by n unicode characters.

next [Text]
next ptr if ptr is at the end of text, returns None, otherwise, returns Some(ch, ptr') where ch is the character at current position and ptr' is the pointer to the next character of the text.

offset [Text]
offset ptr returns the position in bytes of ptr

pointer_at [Text]
pointer_at txt n returns a pointer to the character at position n in txt.
pointer_l [Text]
Returns a pointer to the left of the given text
pointer_r [Text]
Returns a pointer to the right of the given text
position [Text]
position ptr returns the position in unicode character of ptr
prev [Text]
prev ptr if ptr is at the beginning of text, returns None, otherwise, returns Some(ch, ptr') where ptr' points to the previous character and ch is the character at ptr'.

rchop [Text]
rchop t returns t without is last character.
recode_string [Encoding]
recode_string ~src ~dst str recode str from src encoding to dst encoding.
repeat [Text]
repeat n text returns text concatened n-times with itself.
replace [Text]
replace text ~patt ~repl replace all occurences of patt in text by repl.
rev [Text]
rev t returns the sequence of characters of t in reverse order.
rev_concat [Text]
rev_concat sep l returns the concatenation of all texts contained in l, separated by sep.
rev_explode [Text]
rev_explode txt returns the list of all characters of txt, in reverse order.
rev_filter [Text]
rev_filter text ~ implode (List.filter f (rev_explode text))
rev_find [Text]
find ?from text patt returns a pointer to the last occurrence of patt in text.
rev_fold [Text]
fold f text x ~ List.fold_left f x (rev_explode text)
rev_implode [Text]
rev_implode l returns the concatenation of all texts contained in l, in reverse order.
rev_init [Text]
rev_init n f returns f (n - 1) ^ f 1 ^ ... ^ f 0
rev_iter [Text]
iter f text ~ List.iter f (rev_explode text)
rev_map [Text]
rev_map f text ~ implode (List.rev_map f (explode text))
rev_split [Text]
rev_split ?max text sep split text according to sep in reverse order.
rstrip [Text]
rstrip ?chars text removes all characters of text which are part of chars at the right.

slice [Text]
slice text a b returns the text contained in txt between a and b (exlusive).
splice [Text]
splice text a b repl replace the text between a and b (exclusive) by repl.
split [Text]
split ?max ?sep text split text according to sep.
starts_with [Text]
starts_with text prefix returns true iff s starts with prefix.
strip [Text]
strip ?chars text removes all characters of text which are part of chars at the right and left.
sub [Text]
sub text pos len Returns the sub-text of text starting at position pos and of length len.
system [Encoding]
The character encoding used by the system

to_ascii [Text]
to_ascii txt returns an approximative ascii version of txt.
transform [Text]
transform str transforms str in a way such that comparing two string str1 and str2 transformed with give the same result as comparing them with

uncapitalize [Text]
capitalize t returns t with its first letter lower-cased
upper [Text]
upper t returns the upper-cased version of t.

validate [Text]
Same as check but raises an exception in case the argument is not a valid text.

words [Text]
Returns all words of the given text.