Shape classes

This is an abstract base class. Shapes are something that can be drawn and cleared on surfaces. All classes derived from this class MUST provide the methods below.

No constructor.
virtual void draw(void)
Draws the shape.

virtual void clear(Uint32 color)
Removes the shape by clearing it to a color.

virtual void clear(SDL_Surface *src, Sint16 srcX, Sint16 srcY)
Removes the shape by blitting a part of src over it.

virtual void UpdateRects(void)
Updates (SDL/sge_UpdateRect) areas that have been cleared or drawn.

SDL_Rect get_pos(void)
Returns the current (maybe undrawn) position.

SDL_Rect get_last_pos(void)
Returns the last drawn position.

Sint16 get_xpos(void)
Sint16 get_ypos(void)

Returns the upper left corner of shape.

Sint16 get_w(void)
Sint16 get_h(void)

Returns the width and height of the shape.

SDL_Surface* get_dest(void)
Returns the surface on which this class operates on.

Usefull coords in shape
These methods returns some useful (current) coords in shape.
	W  C  E
Sint16 c_x(void)
Sint16 c_y(void)

Sint16 nw_x(void)
Sint16 nw_y(void)

Sint16 n_x(void)
Sint16 n_y(void)

Sint16 ne_x(void)
Sint16 ne_y(void)

Sint16 e_x(void)
Sint16 e_y(void)

Sint16 se_x(void)
Sint16 se_y(void)

Sint16 s_x(void)
Sint16 s_y(void)

Sint16 sw_x(void)
Sint16 sw_y(void)

Sint16 w_x(void)
Sint16 w_y(void)

Derived (public) from sge_shape.
This is the most basic blitting class. You can draw & clear the image and move it around.

sge_surface(SDL_Surface *dest, SDL_Surface *src, Sint16 x=0, Sint16 y=0)
Dest is the surface you want to blit to, src is the image.

virtual void move_to(Sint16 x, Sint16 y)
Moves the image to a new coord.

virtual void move(Sint16 x_step, Sint16 y_step)
Moves the image x/y steps to the left/down (or right/up if negative step size).

SDL_Surface* get_img(void)
Returns a pointer to the image.

Derived (public) from sge_surface.
The next step is to introduce speeds and multiple frames.

sge_ssprite(SDL_Surface *screen, SDL_Surface *img, Sint16 x=0, Sint16 y=0)
Img is the first frame to show.

sge_ssprite(SDL_Surface *screen, SDL_Surface *img, sge_cdata *cdata, Sint16 x=0, Sint16 y=0)
As above but with collision data [sge_collision].

void set_vel(Sint16 x, Sint16 y)
void set_xvel(Sint16 x)
void set_yvel(Sint16 y)

Sets the speed (pixels/update).

Sint16 get_xvel(void)
Sint16 get_yvel(void)

Returns the current speed.

virtual bool update(void)
Move the sprite according to the speeds. Returns true if the position changed.

void add_frame(SDL_Surface *img)
void add_frame(SDL_Surface *img, sge_cdata *cdata)

Adds a new frame to the sprite, with or without collision data [sge_collision]. This resets the playing sequence.

void skip_frame(int skips)
void next_frame(void)
void prev_frame(void)
void first_frame(void)
void last_frame(void)

Change the current frame. Calling next_frame()/prev_frame() is the same thing as calling skip_frame(1)/skip_frame(-1). First_frame()/last_frame() sets the first/last frame in the sequence as the current frame (but does not change the sequence).

void set_seq(int start, int stop, playing_mode mode=loop)
void reset_seq(void)
sge_ssprite::playing_mode get_PlayingMode(void)

Changes the frame playing sequence. The default is to loop over all frames (next_frame() returns to the first frame when the last frame has been shown). Use set_seq() to set the start and stop frame (frame 0 is the first frame) and playing mode. You can set the following playing modes:
Use reset_seq() to reset to the default sequence.
Get_PlayingMode() returns the current mode or sge_ssprite::stop if all frames in the sequence has been shown (only possible if sge_ssprite::play_once was used).

void set_border(SDL_Rect box)
void border_bounce(bool mode)
void border_warp(bool mode)

The sprite will bounce at the border of the screen as default. You can change the allowed rectangle with set_border() or turn this off completely with border_bounce(false). You can also make the sprite warp (pixel for pixel) at the border with border_warp(true).

sge_cdata* get_cdata(void)
Returns the collision map for the current frame (or NULL if no one exist).

sge_frame* get_frame(void)
Returns the frame data for the current frame:
struct sge_frame{
  //The image
  SDL_Surface *img;
  //Collision data
  sge_cdata *cdata;
std::list<sge_frame*>* get_list(void)
The linked list with frames is stored in a STL list<> container. This method returns a pointer to this list. If you change anything in the list you *MUST* call reset_seq()!

Derived (public) from sge_ssprite.
Finally we add timed operations to the sprite. All speeds are now in pixels/second.

sge_sprite(SDL_Surface *screen, SDL_Surface *img, Sint16 x=0, Sint16 y=0)
sge_sprite(SDL_Surface *screen, SDL_Surface *img, sge_cdata *cdata, Sint16 x=0, Sint16 y=0)
void set_pps(Sint16 x, Sint16 y)
void set_xpps(Sint16 x)
void set_ypps(Sint16 y)
void set_fps(Sint16 f)

Sets the speed (pixels/second). Set_fps() sets how fast (frames/second) the frames should be changed.

Sint16 get_xpps(void)
Sint16 get_ypps(void)
Sint16 get_fps(void)

Returns the current speeds.

bool update(Uint32 ticks)
bool update(void)

Updates the internal status (calculates the new position and changes the current frame if needed). You can let update() call SDL_GetTicks() itself or provide the information. Returns true if the sprite changed position or frame.

void pause(void)
Halt the sprite until next call to update().

This class is not finished and might eat your homework.
This class can be used to draw shapes (sge_shape) on screen. This class will detect if doublebuffering or a hardware screen surface is used and act accordingly.

sge_screen(SDL_Surface *screen)
void add_rect(SDL_Rect rect)
void add_rect(Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Uint32 w, Uint32 h)

Adds an rectangle to be updated (with SDL_UpdateRects()) on update() if needed.

void add_shape(sge_shape *shape)
void add_shape_p(sge_shape *shape)

Adds an sge_shape to be drawn and updated (if needed) on update().

void remove_shape_p(sge_shape *shape)
Removes an sge_shape from the permanent list.

void clear_all(void)
Clears all shapes (even those added with add_shape_p()) and rectangles.

void update(void)
Draws all shapes and updates all rectangles and shapes. All shapes and rectangales are then cleared (beside those added with add_shape_p()) from the class.

Copyright © 1999-2003 Anders Lindström
Last updated 030809