QuantLib --- the free/open-source library for quantitative finance ------------------------------------------------------------------ The QuantLib project is aimed at providing a comprehensive software framework for quantitative finance. QuantLib is a free/open-source library for modeling, trading, and risk management in real-life. Documentation for the QuantLib library is both online and downloadable in a number of formats from . QuantLib depends on Boost . You will need to download, build, and install Boost before compiling and using QuantLib. Boost 1.39 or later is required. Please report bugs using the Bug Tracker at , submit patches using the Patch Tracker at , and request features using the Feature Request Tracker at . You can also use the mailing lists and for feedback, questions, etc. The mailing lists are for subscribers only, so please subscribe before posting. ============= ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ================= Installation instructions are available at . A list of changes since the previous release is available in News.txt (included in this distribution) while a list of past changes can be browsed at . Known bugs are listed at ; a list of caveats (which are not bugs, but rather issues that might be misleading) is available at . A (hopefully growing) list of frequently-asked questions is available at . If you are willing to contribute, see . =============== LICENSE INFORMATION ================== QuantLib is Non-Copylefted Free Software. QuantLib is OSI Certified Open Source Software. OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative.