A | |
abort_stream [Portaudio] |
Abort a stream.
C | |
close_stream [Portaudio] |
Close a stream.
F | |
format_float32 [Portaudio] |
The stream uses floats in the range of
-1.,1. to represent audio data.
format_int16 [Portaudio] | |
format_int24 [Portaudio] | |
format_int32 [Portaudio] | |
format_int8 [Portaudio] | |
G | |
get_default_host_api [Portaudio] |
Index of the default host API.
get_default_input_device [Portaudio] |
Default input device.
get_default_output_device [Portaudio] |
Default output device.
get_device_count [Portaudio] |
Number of available devices.
get_device_info [Portaudio] |
Information on device
get_host_api_count [Portaudio] |
Number of available host API.
get_host_api_info [Portaudio] |
Information on a host API
get_last_host_error [Portaudio] |
Get the last errror which occured together with its description.
get_version [Portaudio] |
Version of portaudio.
get_version_string [Portaudio] |
Version of portaudio.
I | |
init [Portaudio] |
Initialize the portaudio library.
O | |
open_default_stream [Portaudio] | open_default_stream callback format interleaved inchans outchans rate bufframes
opens default stream with callback as callback function, handling samples in
format format using interleaved or non-interleaved buffers interleaved with
inchans input channels and outchans output channels
at rate samples per seconds with handling buffers of size bufframes .
open_stream [Portaudio] | open_stream inparam outparam interleaved rate bufframes callback flags opens a new
stream with input stream of format inparam , output stream of format
outparam using interleaved or non-interleaved interleaved buffers
at rate samples per second, with bufframes frames per buffer
passed the callback function callback (0 means leave this choice to
R | |
read_stream [Portaudio] |
Read from a stream.
read_stream_ba [Portaudio] |
Read from a stream using a bigarray.
S | |
sleep [Portaudio] |
start_stream [Portaudio] |
Start a stream.
stop_stream [Portaudio] |
Stop a stream.
string_of_error [Portaudio] |
Get a description of an error.
T | |
terminate [Portaudio] |
Stop using the library.
W | |
write_stream [Portaudio] |
Write to a stream.
write_stream_ba [Portaudio] |
Write to a stream using a bigarray.