Index of values

asplit [Pcre]
asplit ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?max ?callout subj same as Pcre.split but

backrefmax [Pcre]
backrefmax regexp

capturecount [Pcre]
capturecount regexp
cflag_list [Pcre]
cflag_list cflags converts internal representation of compilation flags to a list.
cflags [Pcre]
cflags cflag_list converts a list of compilation flags to their internal representation.
config_link_size [Pcre]
Number of bytes used for internal linkage of regular expressions
config_match_limit [Pcre]
Default limit for calls to internal matching function
config_match_limit_recursion [Pcre]
Default limit recursion for calls to internal matching function
config_newline [Pcre]
Character used as newline
config_stackrecurse [Pcre]
Indicates use of stack recursion in matching function
config_utf8 [Pcre]
Indicates whether UTF8-support is enabled

exec [Pcre]
exec ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?callout subj
exec_all [Pcre]
exec_all ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?callout subj
extract [Pcre]
extract ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?full_match ?callout subj
extract_all [Pcre]
extract_all ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?full_match ?callout subj
extract_all_opt [Pcre]
extract_all_opt ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?full_match ?callout subj
extract_opt [Pcre]
extract_opt ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?full_match ?callout subj

firstbyte [Pcre]
firstbyte regexp
firsttable [Pcre]
firsttable regexp
foreach_file [Pcre]
foreach_file filenames f opens each file in the list filenames for input and applies f to each filename and the corresponding channel.
foreach_line [Pcre]
foreach_line ?ic f applies f to each line in inchannel ic until the end-of-file is reached.
full_split [Pcre]
full_split ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?max ?callout subj splits subj into a list of at most max elements of type "split_result", using as delimiter pattern pat when given, regular expression rex otherwise, starting at position pos.

get_match_limit [Pcre]
get_match_limit rex
get_match_limit_recursion [Pcre]
get_match_limit_recursion rex
get_named_substring [Pcre]
get_named_substring rex name substrings
get_named_substring_ofs [Pcre]
get_named_substring_ofs rex name substrings
get_opt_substrings [Pcre]
get_opt_substrings ?full_match substrings
get_stringnumber [Pcre]
get_stringnumber rex name
get_subject [Pcre]
get_subject substrings
get_substring [Pcre]
get_substring substrings n
get_substring_ofs [Pcre]
get_substring_ofs substrings n
get_substrings [Pcre]
get_substrings ?full_match substrings

lastliteral [Pcre]
lastliteral regexp

make_ovector [Pcre]
make_ovector regexp calculates the tuple (subgroups2, ovector) which is the number of subgroup offsets and the offset array.
maketables [Pcre]
Generates new set of char tables for the current locale.

namecount [Pcre]
namecount regexp
nameentrysize [Pcre]
nameentrysize regexp
names [Pcre]
names regex
next_match [Pcre]
next_match ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?callout substrs
num_of_subs [Pcre]
num_of_subs substrings

options [Pcre]
options regexp

pcre_exec [Pcre]
pcre_exec ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?callout subj
pmatch [Pcre]
pmatch ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?callout subj

qreplace [Pcre]
qreplace ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?templ ?callout subj replaces all substrings of subj matching pattern pat when given, regular expression rex otherwise, starting at position pos with the string templ.
qreplace_first [Pcre]
qreplace_first ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?templ ?callout subj replaces the first substring of subj matching pattern pat when given, regular expression rex otherwise, starting at position pos with the string templ.
quote [Pcre]
quote str

regexp [Pcre]
regexp ?study ?limit ?limit_recursion ?iflags ?flags ?chtables pattern compiles pattern with flags when given, with iflags otherwise, and with char tables chtables.
regexp_or [Pcre]
regexp_or ?study ?limit ?limit_recursion ?iflags ?flags ?chtables patterns like Pcre.regexp, but combines patterns as alternatives (or-patterns) into one regular expression.
replace [Pcre]
replace ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?itempl ?templ ?callout subj replaces all substrings of subj matching pattern pat when given, regular expression rex otherwise, starting at position pos with the substitution string templ when given, itempl otherwise.
replace_first [Pcre]
replace_first ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?itempl ?templ ?callout subj replaces the first substring of subj matching pattern pat when given, regular expression rex otherwise, starting at position pos with the substitution string templ when given, itempl otherwise.
rflag_list [Pcre]
rflag_list rflags converts internal representation of runtime flags to a list.
rflags [Pcre]
rflags rflag_list converts a list of runtime flags to their internal representation.

size [Pcre]
size regexp
split [Pcre]
split ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?max ?callout subj splits subj into a list of at most max strings, using as delimiter pattern pat when given, regular expression rex otherwise, starting at position pos.
study_stat [Pcre]
study_stat regexp
studysize [Pcre]
studysize regexp
subst [Pcre]
subst str converts the string str representing a substitution pattern to the internal representation
substitute [Pcre]
substitute ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?callout ~subst subj replaces all substrings of subj matching pattern pat when given, regular expression rex otherwise, starting at position pos with the result of function subst applied to the match.
substitute_first [Pcre]
substitute_first ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?callout ~subst subj replaces the first substring of subj matching pattern pat when given, regular expression rex otherwise, starting at position pos with the result of function subst applied to the match.
substitute_substrings [Pcre]
substitute_substrings ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?callout ~subst subj replaces all substrings of subj matching pattern pat when given, regular expression rex otherwise, starting at position pos with the result of function subst applied to the substrings of the match.
substitute_substrings_first [Pcre]
substitute_substrings_first ?iflags ?flags ?rex ?pat ?pos ?callout ~subst subj replaces the first substring of subj matching pattern pat when given, regular expression rex otherwise, starting at position pos with the result of function subst applied to the substrings of the match.

unsafe_pcre_exec [Pcre]
unsafe_pcre_exec flags rex pos subject subgroup_offsets offset_vector.

version [Pcre]
Version information