Index of values

(>:) [OUnitTest]
(>:) [OUnit2]
Create a TestLabel for a test
(>:) [OUnit]
Create a TestLabel for a test
(>::) [OUnitTest]
(>::) [OUnit2]
Create a TestLabel for a TestCase
(>::) [OUnit]
Create a TestLabel for a TestCase
(>:::) [OUnitTest]
(>:::) [OUnit2]
Create a TestLabel for a TestList
(>:::) [OUnit]
Create a TestLabel for a TestList
(@?) [OUnit]
Shorthand for assert_bool

add_result [OUnitCache]
add_test_results [OUnitState]
add_worker [OUnitState]
all [OUnitPlugin.Make]
allskip [OUnitChooser]
assert_bool [OUnitAssert]
assert_bool [OUnit2]
Signals a failure when bool is false.
assert_bool [OUnit]
Signals a failure when bool is false.
assert_command [OUnitAssert]
assert_command [OUnit2]
assert_command prg args Run the command provided.
assert_command [OUnit]
assert_command prg args Run the command provided.
assert_equal [OUnitDiff.S]
OUnitDiff.S.assert_equal with ~diff, ~cmp and ~printer predefined for this collection events
assert_equal [OUnitAssert]
assert_equal [OUnit2]
assert_equal expected real Compares two values, when they are not equal a failure is signaled.
assert_equal [OUnit]
assert_equal expected real Compares two values, when they are not equal a failure is signaled.
assert_failure [OUnitAssert]
assert_failure [OUnit2]
Signals a failure.
assert_failure [OUnit]
Signals a failure.
assert_raises [OUnitAssert]
assert_raises [OUnit2]
Asserts if the expected exception was raised.
assert_raises [OUnit]
Asserts if the expected exception was raised.
assert_string [OUnitAssert]
assert_string [OUnit2]
Signals a failure when the string is non-empty.
assert_string [OUnit]
Signals a failure when the string is non-empty.

bracket [OUnit2]
bracket set_up tear_down test_ctxt set up an object and register it to be tore down in test_ctxt.
bracket [OUnit]
bracket set_up test tear_down The set_up function runs first, then the test function runs and at the end tear_down runs.
bracket_chdir [OUnitBracket]
bracket_tmpdir [OUnitBracket]
bracket_tmpdir [OUnit2]
bracket_tmpdir test_ctxt Create a temporary dirname.
bracket_tmpfile [OUnitBracket]
bracket_tmpfile [OUnit2]
bracket_tmpfile test_ctxt Create a temporary filename and matching output channel.
bracket_tmpfile [OUnit]
bracket_tmpfile test The test function takes a temporary filename and matching output channel as arguments.
buff_format_printf [OUnitUtils]
buildir [OUnitUtils]

cache_filename [OUnitCache]
chdir_mutex [OUnitBracket]
check [OUnitCheckEnv]
check_variable_name [OUnitConf]
choice [OUnitPlugin.Make]
cli_name [OUnitConf]
cli_parse [OUnitConf]
close [OUnitLogger]
cmp_float [OUnitUtils]
cmp_float [OUnit2]
Compare floats up to a given relative error.
cmp_float [OUnit]
Compare floats up to a given relative error.
combine [OUnitLogger]
compare [OUnitDiff.DIFF_ELEMENT]
Element comparison
compare [OUnitDiff.S]
Compare a collection of element
compare [OUnitCheckEnv.EnvElement]
compare [OUnitTest.Path]
conf_help [OUnitPlugin.SETTINGS]
count [OUnitLoggerStd]
count_tests_running [OUnitState]
count_worker [OUnitState]
create [OUnitCheckEnv]
create [OUnitShared.Mutex]
create [OUnitShared]
create [OUnitLogger.Test]
create [OUnitState]
create [OUnitBracket]
create [OUnitLoggerJUnit]
create [OUnitLoggerHTML]
create [OUnitLoggerStd]
create [OUnitPropList]
create_file_logger [OUnitLoggerStd]
create_worker [OUnitRunnerProcesses]

date_iso8601 [OUnitUtils]
default [OUnitCache]
default [OUnitConf]
default_name [OUnitPlugin.SETTINGS]
default_value [OUnitPlugin.SETTINGS]
delay_of_length [OUnitTest]
display [OUnitLoggerStd]
dump [OUnitCache]
dump [OUnitConf]

encoding [OUnitResultSummary]
env_parse [OUnitConf]
errorf [OUnitLogger]
extract_backtrace_position [OUnitUtils]

failfirst [OUnitChooser]
failwithf [OUnitUtils]
file_logger [OUnitLoggerStd]
file_parse [OUnitConf]
filter_out [OUnitState]
fold_lefti [OUnitUtils]
format_display_event [OUnitLoggerStd]
format_log_event [OUnitLoggerStd]
fqdn [OUnitUtils]
fun_logger [OUnitLogger]

get_idle_workers [OUnitState]
get_result [OUnitCache]
get_results [OUnitState]
Get all the results.
get_scoped [OUnitShared]
get_shard_id [OUnitTest]
get_tests_running [OUnitState]
get_worker_need_health_check [OUnitState]
Get all the workers that need to be checked for their health.
get_worker_timed_out [OUnitState]
Get all the workers that are timed out, i.e.
get_workers [OUnitState]

health_check_interval [OUnitState]
html_escaper [OUnitLoggerHTML]

in_testdata_dir [OUnitTestData]
in_testdata_dir [OUnit2]
Build a filename for a file that should be located in the test data dir.
infof [OUnitLogger]
init [OUnitRunnerProcesses]
init [OUnitThreads]
is_blank [OUnitUtils]
is_error [OUnitResultSummary]
is_failure [OUnitResultSummary]
is_idle_worker [OUnitState]
is_output_file_shard_dependent [OUnitLoggerStd]
is_skip [OUnitResultSummary]
is_success [OUnitResultSummary]
is_timeout [OUnitResultSummary]
is_todo [OUnitResultSummary]

load [OUnitCache]
load [OUnitConf]
Load test options from file, environment and command line (in this order).
lock [OUnitShared.Mutex]
logf [OUnitLogger.Test]
logf [OUnitBracket]
logf [OUnit2]
Log into OUnit logging system.

main_worker_loop [OUnitRunner.GenericWorker]
make [OUnitConf]
make_bool [OUnitConf]
make_bool [OUnit2.Conf]
Create a bool configuration option.
make_channel [OUnitRunnerProcesses]
make_counter [OUnitUtils]
make_enum [OUnitConf]
make_exec [OUnitConf]
make_exec [OUnit2.Conf]
make_exec execname Create a option to define an executable.
make_filename [OUnitTestData]
make_float [OUnitConf]
make_float [OUnit2.Conf]
Create a float configuration option.
make_int [OUnitConf]
make_int [OUnit2.Conf]
Create an int configuration option.
make_string [OUnitConf]
make_string [OUnit2.Conf]
make_string name default help Create a string configuration option with default value default and a short help string.
make_string_opt [OUnitConf]
make_string_opt [OUnit2.Conf]
Create a string option configuration option.
make_string_subst [OUnitConf]
make_string_subst_opt [OUnitConf]
mapi [OUnitUtils]
maybe_dump_cache [OUnitState]
metaconf [OUnitConf]
multiline [OUnitLoggerStd]
mutex_create [OUnitShared]

name [OUnitPlugin.SETTINGS]
new_property [OUnitPropList]
next_test_case [OUnitState]
non_fatal [OUnitTest]
Isolate a function inside a context, just as !section_ctxt but don't propagate a failure, register it for later.
non_fatal [OUnit2]
non_fatal ctxt f Run f but if an exception is raised or an assert fails, don't stop, just register the result.
noscope_create [OUnitShared]
now [OUnitUtils]
null_logger [OUnitLogger]

oUnit_css [OUnitLoggerHTMLData]
oUnit_js [OUnitLoggerHTMLData]
ocaml_position [OUnitLoggerStd]
of_list [OUnitDiff.S]
Create t using of list
of_log_events [OUnitResultSummary]
of_name [OUnitPlugin.Make]
opt [OUnitUtils]
ounit2_of_ounit1 [OUnit]
output_file [OUnitLoggerStd]
output_html_dir [OUnitLoggerHTML]
output_junit_file [OUnitLoggerJUnit]

perform_test [OUnitCore]
perform_test [OUnit]
Perform the test, allows you to build your own test runner
position [OUnitLogger]
post_logger [OUnitLogger]
pp_comma_separator [OUnitDiff]
pp_diff [OUnitDiff.S]
Pretty printer for collection differences
pp_print_sep [OUnitDiff.DIFF_ELEMENT]
Pretty print element separator
pp_print_sep [OUnitCheckEnv.EnvElement]
pp_printer [OUnitDiff.DIFF_ELEMENT]
Pretty printer for an element
pp_printer [OUnitDiff.S]
Pretty printer a collection of element
pp_printer [OUnitCheckEnv.EnvElement]
preset [OUnitPlugin.Make]
processes_grace_period [OUnitRunnerProcesses]
processes_kill_period [OUnitRunnerProcesses]

raises [OUnitAssert]
raw_printf [OUnitLogger.Test]
register [OUnitPlugin.Make]
remove_idle_worker [OUnitState]
render [OUnitLoggerJUnit]
render [OUnitLoggerHTML]
report [OUnitLogger]
report_result_full [OUnitTest]
result_flavour [OUnitResultSummary]
result_full_of_exception [OUnitTest]
Transform an exception in a result.
result_msg [OUnitResultSummary]
results_style_1_X [OUnitLoggerStd]
run_one_test [OUnitRunner]
Common utilities to run test.
run_test_tt [OUnitCore]
run_test_tt [OUnit]
A simple text based test runner.
run_test_tt_main [OUnitCore]
run_test_tt_main [OUnit2]
Main version of the text based test runner.
run_test_tt_main [OUnit]
Main version of the text based test runner.
run_test_tt_main_conf [OUnitCore]
runner [OUnitRunner.GenericWorker]

section_ctxt [OUnitTest]
Isolate a function inside a context.
sequential_runner [OUnitRunner]
set [OUnitConf]
set_shard [OUnitLogger]
shard_default [OUnitLogger]
shardf [OUnitUtils]
shards [OUnitRunner]
simple [OUnitChooser]
Most simple heuristic, just pick the first test.
skip_if [OUnitAssert]
skip_if [OUnit2]
skip cond msg If cond is true, skip the test for the reason explain in msg.
skip_if [OUnit]
skip cond msg If cond is true, skip the test for the reason explain in msg.
split_lines [OUnitUtils]
standard_modules [OUnitTest]
start_substr [OUnitUtils]
starts_with [OUnitUtils]
std_logger [OUnitLoggerStd]
string_of_choice [OUnitChooser]
string_of_event [OUnitLogger]
string_of_message_from_worker [OUnitRunner.GenericWorker]
string_of_message_to_worker [OUnitRunner.GenericWorker]
string_of_node [OUnitTest]
string_of_node [OUnit]
Make a string from a node
string_of_path [OUnitTest]
string_of_path [OUnit]
Make a string from a path.
string_of_process_status [OUnitUtils]
subst [OUnitConf]
suite_name [OUnitCore]

test_case [OUnit2]
Generic function to create a test case.
test_case_count [OUnitTest]
test_case_count [OUnit]
Returns the number of available test cases
test_case_paths [OUnitTest]
test_case_paths [OUnit]
Returns a list with paths of the test
test_decorate [OUnitTest]
test_decorate [OUnit]
test_decorate g tst Apply g to test function contains in tst tree.
test_filter [OUnitTest]
test_filter [OUnit]
test_filter paths tst Filter test based on their path string representation.
test_finished [OUnitState]
test_list [OUnit2]
Generic function to create a test list.
testdata_default [OUnitTestData]
testdata_dir [OUnitTestData]
time_fun [OUnitUtils]
timeout [OUnitState]
Compute when is the next time, we should either run health check or timeout a test.
to_string [OUnitTest.Path]
todo [OUnitAssert]
todo [OUnit2]
The associated test is still to be done, for the reason given.
todo [OUnit]
The associated test is still to be done, for the reason given.
trim [OUnitUtils]
trim_comment [OUnitUtils]
try_lock [OUnitShared.Mutex]

unlock [OUnitShared.Mutex]
update_test_activity [OUnitState]
Update the activity of a worker, this postpone the next health check.

verbose [OUnitLoggerStd]

warningf [OUnitLogger]
was_successful [OUnitResultSummary]
with_bracket [OUnitBracket]
with_bracket_chdir [OUnit2]
with_bracket_chdir test_ctxt dn f change directory to dn during execution of function f.
with_ctxt [OUnitTest]
Create a context and run the function.
with_lock [OUnitShared.Mutex]
workers_waiting [OUnitRunnerProcesses]
worst_cmp [OUnitResultSummary]
worst_result_full [OUnitResultSummary]
wrap_channel [OUnitRunner.GenericWorker]

xml_escaper [OUnitLoggerJUnit]