C | |
Conf [OUnit2] |
Define command line options, environment variables and file configuration.
E | |
EnvElement [OUnitCheckEnv] | |
G | |
GenericWorker [OUnitRunner] |
Build worker based runner.
L | |
ListSimpleMake [OUnitDiff] |
Collection of elements based on a List, order matters but difference display
is very simple.
M | |
Make [OUnitPlugin] | |
MapPath [OUnitRunner.GenericWorker] | |
MapPath [OUnitTest] | |
Mutex [OUnitShared] | |
O | |
OUnit |
Unit test building blocks
OUnit2 |
Unit test building blocks (v2).
OUnitAssert | |
OUnitBracket | |
OUnitCache | |
OUnitCheckEnv | |
OUnitChooser |
Heuristic to pick a test to run.
OUnitConf |
Load test options from file, environment and command line (in this order).
OUnitCore | |
OUnitDiff |
Unit tests for collection of elements
OUnitLogger |
See OUnit.mli.
OUnitLoggerHTML | |
OUnitLoggerHTMLData | |
OUnitLoggerJUnit | |
OUnitLoggerStd | |
OUnitPlugin |
Standard functions for plugin (register, choose).
OUnitPropList |
Property list.
OUnitResultSummary | |
OUnitRunner |
Common utilities to run test.
OUnitRunnerProcesses |
Use processes to run several tests in parallel.
OUnitShared | |
OUnitState |
Manipulate the state of OUnit runner.
OUnitTest |
See OUnit.mli.
OUnitTestData | |
OUnitThreads | |
OUnitUtils |
* Utilities for OUnit
P | |
Path [OUnitTest] | |
Plugin [OUnitRunner] | |
Plugin [OUnitChooser] | |
S | |
SetEnv [OUnitCheckEnv] | |
SetMake [OUnitDiff] |
Collection of elements based on a Set, elements order doesn't matter
SetTestPath [OUnitTest] | |
T | |
Test [OUnitLogger] |