A | |
affected [Mysql.Prepared] | |
affected [Mysql] | affected result returns the number of rows changed by the last
UPDATE, or deleted by the last DELETE, or added by the last INSERT,
or the number of rows returned by the last SELECT
B | |
blob2ml [Mysql] |
Use for all MySQL BLOB and TEXT types
C | |
change_user [Mysql] | change_user dbd db tries to change the current user and database.
client_info [Mysql] |
Return the MySQL client library version
close [Mysql.Prepared] |
Destroy the prepared statement
column [Mysql] |
Returns one field of a result row based on column name.
connect [Mysql] | connect ?options db connects to the database db and returns a handle for further use
create [Mysql.Prepared] |
Create prepared statement.
D | |
date2ml [Mysql] | |
datetime2ml [Mysql] | |
decimal2ml [Mysql] | |
defaults [Mysql] |
Login information using all defaults
disconnect [Mysql] | disconnect dbd releases a database connection dbd .
E | |
enum2ml [Mysql] | |
errmsg [Mysql] | errmsg dbd returns an error message in case the last operation on dbd
errno [Mysql] | errno dbd returns the error_code for the last action on dbd .
escape [Mysql] | escape str returns the same string as str in MySQL syntax with
special characters quoted to not confuse the MySQL parser.
exec [Mysql] | exec dbd str executes a SQL statement and returns a handle to obtain
the result.
execute [Mysql.Prepared] |
Execute the prepared statement with the specified values for parameters.
execute_null [Mysql.Prepared] |
Same as
Mysql.Prepared.execute , but with support for NULL values.
F | |
fetch [Mysql.Prepared] | |
fetch [Mysql] | fetch result returns the next row from a result as Some a or None
in case there is no next result.
fetch_field [Mysql] |
Returns the information on the next field
fetch_field_dir [Mysql] |
Returns information on a specific field, with the first field numbered 0
fetch_fields [Mysql] |
Returns information on all the fields
fields [Mysql] | fields result returns the number of fields in a row
float2ml [Mysql] |
Use for MySQL FLOAT, DOUBLE and REAL types
H | |
host_info [Mysql] |
Return information about the server connection
I | |
insert_id [Mysql.Prepared] | |
insert_id [Mysql] | insert_id result returns the ID generated by the last INSERT
query in a table with an AUTO_INCREMENT column.
int2ml [Mysql] |
Use for all MySQL signed integer types but BIGINT
int322ml [Mysql] | |
int642ml [Mysql] | |
iter [Mysql] | |
iter_col [Mysql] | |
iter_cols [Mysql] | |
L | |
list_dbs [Mysql] | list_db Return a list of all visible databases on the current server
M | |
map [Mysql] | |
map_col [Mysql] | |
map_cols [Mysql] | |
ml2blob [Mysql] | |
ml2date [Mysql] | |
ml2datel [Mysql] | |
ml2datetime [Mysql] | |
ml2datetimel [Mysql] | |
ml2decimal [Mysql] | |
ml2enum [Mysql] | |
ml2float [Mysql] | |
ml2int [Mysql] | |
ml2rblob [Mysql] | |
ml2renum [Mysql] | |
ml2rset [Mysql] | |
ml2rstr [Mysql] | |
ml2set [Mysql] | |
ml2str [Mysql] | |
ml2time [Mysql] | |
ml2timel [Mysql] | |
ml2timestamp [Mysql] | |
ml2timestampl [Mysql] | |
ml2year [Mysql] | |
ml322int [Mysql] | |
ml642int [Mysql] | |
N | |
names [Mysql] | names result returns an array of the field names for the current result
nativeint2ml [Mysql] | |
not_null [Mysql] | not_null f v applies f to Some v .
O | |
opt [Mysql] | opt f v applies f to optional value v .
P | |
ping [Mysql] | ping dbd makes sure the connection to the server is up, and re-establishes it if needed.
pretty_type [Mysql] |
Turn a field-type type into a string for printing
proto_info [Mysql] |
Return the protocol version being used
Q | |
quick_change [Mysql] |
Another shortcut
quick_connect [Mysql] |
Shortcut for connecting to a database with mostly default field values
R | |
real_escape [Mysql] | real_escape dbd str returns str encoded
to an escaped SQL string according to the current character set of dbd
real_status [Mysql.Prepared] | |
result_metadata [Mysql.Prepared] | |
S | |
select_db [Mysql] | select_db switches to a new db, using the current user and password.
server_info [Mysql] |
Return the MySQL server version
set2ml [Mysql] | |
set_charset [Mysql] | set_charset dbd charset sets the current character set for dbd (aka SET NAMES ).
size [Mysql] | size result returns the size of the actual result set (number of
status [Mysql] | status dbd returns the status of the last action on dbd
str2ml [Mysql] |
Use for MySQL CHAR and VARCHAR types
T | |
time2ml [Mysql] | |
timestamp2ml [Mysql] | |
to_row [Mysql] | to_row result row sets the current row.
types [Mysql] | types result returns an array with the MySQL types of the current result
V | |
values [Mysql] | values vs takes a list of strings and returns a string
"(a,b,c ..)" where values are separated by comma and the whole
list is enclosed into parentheses.
Y | |
year2ml [Mysql] |