
lqr_carver_set_image_type — sets the image type of an LqrCarver object


#include <lqr.h>
LqrRetVal lqr_carver_set_image_type(LqrCarver* carver,
 LqrImageType image_type);


The function lqr_carver_set_image_type sets the image type of the LqrCarver pointed to by carver to image_type.

If image_type is equal to LQR_CUSTOM_IMAGE, it is assumed that there are no alpha or black channels. You can set those independently using lqr_carver_set_alpha_channel(3) and lqr_carver_set_black_channel(3).

Return value

The return value follows the Liquid Rescale library signalling system.

See also

LqrImageType(3), lqr_carver_new(3), lqr_carver_set_alpha_channel(3), lqr_carver_set_black_channel(3), lqr_carver_get_image_type(3)