A note on ANSI C89 versus C99 compilers. ---------------------------------------- These example programs use a style of array initialization that was introduced in the ANSI C99 standard. Older (C89 compliant) compilers will not compile them. The Open Watcom compiler, for instance, is known to have this problem. If this affects you, then an easy workaround is to initialize your arrays according to the C89 standard as demonstrated in the "myprog_C89.c" program. Thanks to Justin Dearing for pointing this out (Jan 2004). Compiling the example code under AIX ------------------------------------ The version of make shipped with AIX does not process the argtable example Makefile correctly. However it will work with GNU gmake. It is also necessary to add the "intl" library in the example Makefile LDLIBS += -largtable2 -lintl to avoid an unsatisfied external for gettext ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .gettext which is found in libintl.a rather than libc.a on AIX. Thanks to Michel Valin for these instructions (Feb 2009).