void accept_list(char *name, int type, Plist *l);
Plist embed_formulas_in_topforms(Plist formulas, BOOL assumption);The formulas are not copied. Any attributes on the top of the formula are moved to the Topform. An ID is not assigned. Topforms get the justifiction "input".
void flag_handler(FILE *fout, Term t, BOOL echo, int unknown_action);
void fprint_top_input_mem(FILE *fp, BOOL heading);This routine prints (to FILE *fp) memory usage statistics for data types associated with the top_input package. The Boolean argument heading tells whether to print a heading on the table.
void init_standard_ladr(void);This routine initializes various LADR packaages.
void p_top_input_mem();This routine prints (to stdout) memory usage statistics for data types associated with the top_input package.
void parm_handler(FILE *fout, Term t, BOOL echo, int unknown_action);
Plist process_goal_formulas(Plist formulas, BOOL echo);
Plist process_input_formulas(Plist formulas, BOOL echo);Input is Plist of Topforms containing formulas.
void process_op(Term t, BOOL echo, FILE *fout);
void process_redeclare(Term t, BOOL echo, FILE *fout);
void read_all_input(int argc, char **argv, FILE *fout, BOOL echo, int unknown_action);
Term read_commands(FILE *fin, FILE *fout, BOOL echo, int unknown_action);This is a legacy routine.
void read_from_file(FILE *fin, FILE *fout, BOOL echo, int unknown_action);
void set_program_name(char *name);
/* Types of object that can be input */ enum { TERMS, FORMULAS }; /* What shall we do if we read an unknown flag or parameter? */ enum { IGNORE_UNKNOWN, NOTE_UNKNOWN, WARN_UNKNOWN, KILL_UNKNOWN };