#include "string.h"

This page has information from files string.h and string.c.


Public Routines in File string.c




BOOL initial_substring(char *x, char *y);
Is x an initial substring of y?
char *itoa(int n, char *s);
This routine converts an integer to a string (in decimal form). The character array s must be large enough to hold the string. The string is returned.
int natural_string(char *str);

char *new_str_copy(char *str);
Return a malloced copy of the given string. To avoid memory leaks, call free() on the copy if you finish referring to it.
void reverse_chars(char *s, int start, int end);
This routine reverses an array of characters. You must give the starting and ending positions.
BOOL str_ident(char *s, char *t);
This function routine checks identity of two strings.
BOOL str_to_int(char *str, int *ip);
This routine tries to convert a string into an integer (using strtol()). If successful, TRUE is returned and *ip is set to the integer. If failure, FALSE is returned.
BOOL string_member(char *string, char **strings, int n);
Is "string" a member of an array of "strings"?
BOOL substring(char *x, char *y);
Is x a substring of y?
int which_string_member(char *string, char **strings, int n);
If "string" is a member of an array of "strings", return the index; else return -1.

Public Definitions in File string.h


This package contains a few utilities for character strings.