#include "paramod.h"

This page has information from files paramod.h and paramod.c.


Public Routines in File paramod.c




void paramodulation_options(BOOL ordered_inference,
			    BOOL check_instances,
			    BOOL positive_inference,
			    BOOL basic_paramodulation,
			    BOOL para_from_vars,
			    BOOL para_into_vars,
			    BOOL para_from_small);

int basic_paramodulation_prunes(void);
How many paramodulants were killed because they failed the "basic" test.
void para_from_into(Topform from, Context cf,
		    Topform into, Context ci,
		    BOOL check_top,
		    void (*proc_proc) (Topform));
Paramodulate from one clause into another (non-backtrack unification version).

For oriented equality atoms, we go from left sides only and into both sides. For nonoriented equality atoms, we go from and into both sides.

int para_instance_prunes();

Topform para_pos(Topform from_clause, Ilist from_pos,
		 Topform into_clause, Ilist into_pos);
Construct a paramodulant from the given data. A fatal error occurs if it does not exist. In building the justification, the position vectors are copied.
Topform para_pos2(Topform from, Ilist from_pos, Topform into, Ilist into_pos);
Construct a paramodulant from the given data. A fatal error occurs if it does not exist. In building the justification, the position vectors are copied. This is similar to para_pos(), except that it allows the into_term to be a variable.
Topform paramodulate(Literals from_lit, int from_side, Context from_subst,
		     Topform into_clause, Ilist into_pos, Context into_subst);

Public Definitions in File paramod.h

/* where to paramodulate into */

typedef enum { PARA_ALL,
	       PARA_TOP_ONLY } Para_loc;


This package has a paramodulation inference rule.