#include "ioutil.h"

This page has information from files ioutil.h and ioutil.c.


Public Routines in File ioutil.c




Topform clause_reader(BOOL fast);
If your program has optional fast parsing/writing, you can use this routine to save a few lines of code. The flag "fast" says whether or not to use fast parse form. A clause is read from stdin (NULL if there are none). Errors are fatal.
void clause_writer(Topform c, BOOL fast);
If your program has optional fast parsing/writing, you can use this routine to save a few lines of code. The flag "fast" says whether or not to use fast parse form. The clause is written to stdout, with a period and newline.
BOOL end_of_commands_term(Term t);
Check if a term is the constant "end_of_commands".
BOOL end_of_list_clause(Topform c);

BOOL end_of_list_formula(Formula f);

BOOL end_of_list_term(Term t);
Check if a term is the constant "end_of_list".
void f_clause(Topform c);
Write a clause to stdout, with id, with justification last.
void f_clauses(Plist p);

void fwrite_clause(FILE *fp, Topform c, int format);
This routine prints (to FILE *fp) a clause in mixfix form, followed by ".\n".
void fwrite_clause_clist(FILE *fp, Clist lst, int format);
This routine prints (to FILE *fp) a Clist of clauses in mixfix form. Example:
a = b.
If the name of the list is "", it is written as list(anonymous).
void fwrite_clause_jmap(FILE *fp, Topform c, int format, I3list map)
This routine prints (to FILE *fp) a clause in mixfix form, followed by ".\n".
void fwrite_clause_list(FILE *fp, Plist lst, char *name, int format);
This routine prints (to FILE *fp) a Plist of clauses in mixfix form. Example:
a = b.
If the name of the list is "", it is written as list(anonymous).
void fwrite_demod_clist(FILE *fp, Clist lst, int format);
Similar to fwirte_clause_clist, except that lex-dep demodulators are noted.
void fwrite_formula(FILE *fp, Formula f);
This routine prints a formula, followed by ".\n" to a file. This version does not print extra parentheses (it first translates the formula to a term, then prints the term, then frees the term). To print the formula directly, with extra parentheses, call fprint_formula() instead.
void fwrite_formula_list(FILE *fp, Plist lst, char *name);
This routine prints (to FILE *fp) a list of formulas in mixfix form. Example:
a = b.
If the name of the list is "", it is written as list(anonymous).
void fwrite_term_list(FILE *fp, Plist lst, char *name);
This routine prints (to FILE *fp) a list of terms in mixfix form. Example:
a = b.
If the name of the list is "" or NULL, it is written as list(anonymous).
Topform parse_clause_from_string(char *s);

Topform read_clause(FILE *fin, FILE *fout);
This routine reads a clause from FILE *fin. If there are no more clauses in *fin, NULL is returned.

If any error occurs, a message is sent to FILE *fout and a fatal_error occurs.

Variables are "set", and upward links are made from all subterms to the clause.

Clist read_clause_clist(FILE *fin, FILE *fout, char *name, BOOL assign_id);
This routine reads a list of clauses from FILE *fin. If you wish the list to have a name, send a string; othersize send NULL. (You can name the list later with name_clist().) If there are no more clauses in *fin, an empty Clist is returned.

If any error occurs, a message is sent to FILE *fout and a fatal_error occurs.

Plist read_clause_list(FILE *fin, FILE *fout, BOOL assign_id);
Read clauses, up to end_of_list (or EOF), and return them in a Plist.
Topform read_clause_or_formula(FILE *fin, FILE *fout);

Plist read_clause_or_formula_list(FILE *fin, FILE *fout);

Formula read_formula(FILE *fin, FILE *fout);
This routine reads a formula from FILE *fin. If there are no more formulas in *fin, NULL is returned.

If any error occurs, a message is sent to FILE *fout and a fatal_error occurs.

Plist read_formula_list(FILE *fin, FILE *fout);
This routine reads a list of formulas from FILE *fin. If there are no more formulas in *fin, NULL is returned.

If any error occurs, a message is sent to FILE *fout and a fatal_error occurs.

Plist read_term_list(FILE *fin, FILE *fout);
This routine reads a list of terms from FILE *fin. If there are no more terms in *fin, NULL is returned.

None of the returned terms or their subterms will have type VARIABLE, even if it looks like a variable (e.g., x).

If any error occurs, a message is sent to FILE *fout and a fatal_error occurs.

void sb_write_clause(String_buf sb, Topform c, int format);
This routine prints (to FILE *fp) a clause in mixfix form, followed by ".\n".
void sb_write_clause_jmap(String_buf sb, Topform c,
			  int format,
			  I3list map);
This routine writes a clause (in mixfix form, with ".\n") to a String_buf.
void sb_xml_write_clause_jmap(String_buf sb, Topform c, I3list map);
This routine writes a clause (in mixfix form, with ".\n") to a String_buf. It is written in XML format.
Term term_reader(BOOL fast);
If your program has optional fast parsing/writing, you can use this routine to save a few lines of code. The flag "fast" says whether or not to use fast parse form. A term is read from stdin (NULL if there are none). Errors are fatal.
Topform term_to_topform2(Term t);

void term_writer(Term t, BOOL fast);
If your program has optional fast parsing/writing, you can use this routine to save a few lines of code. The flag "fast" says whether or not to use fast parse form. The term is written to stdout, with a period and newline.
void zap_formula_list(Plist lst);
Free a Plist of formulas.

Public Definitions in File ioutil.h

enum { CL_FORM_STD,
       CL_FORM_IVY};  /* clause print format */
