#include "ibuffer.h"

This page has information from files ibuffer.h and ibuffer.c.


Public Routines in File ibuffer.c




Ibuffer fd_read_to_ibuf(int fd);

int *ibuf_buffer(Ibuffer ibuf);

void ibuf_free(Ibuffer ibuf);
Free an Ibuffer.
Ibuffer ibuf_init(void);
Allocate and initialize an Ibuffer.
int ibuf_length(Ibuffer ibuf);

int ibuf_read(Ibuffer ibuf);
Get the next integer from an Ibuffer. This version returns IBUF_EOF (INT_MIN) if there is nothing to read.
void ibuf_rewind(Ibuffer ibuf);
Reset an Ibuffer for reading.
void ibuf_write(Ibuffer ibuf, int i);
Write an integer to an Ibuffer.
void ibuf_write_block(Ibuffer ibuf, int *a, int n);
Write an array of integers to an Ibuffer.
int ibuf_xread(Ibuffer ibuf);
Get the next integer from an Ibuffer. This version assumes there is an integer to read; if it is at the end IBUF_EOF, a fatal error occurs.
void p_ibuf(Ibuffer ibuf);
Print a an Ibuffer to a stdout. This is mainly for debugging.

Public Definitions in File ibuffer.h

#define IBUF_INIT_SIZE    40000
#define IBUF_EOF        INT_MIN

struct ibuffer {
  int write_position; /* current number of ints in buf (next pos to write) */
  int read_position;  /* next pos to read */
  int size;           /* size of buf */
  int *buf;           /* the buffer */

typedef struct ibuffer * Ibuffer;
