first_fpos | fpalist_insert | next_fpos | zap_fpa_chunks |
fpalist_delete | fprint_fpalist_mem | p_fpa_list | zap_fpalist |
fpalist_empty | get_fpa_list | p_fpalist_mem |
struct fposition first_fpos(Fpa_list f);
void fpalist_delete(Fpa_list p, Term t);
BOOL fpalist_empty(Fpa_list p);
void fpalist_insert(Fpa_list p, Term t);
void fprint_fpalist_mem(FILE *fp, BOOL heading);This routine prints (to FILE *fp) memory usage statistics for data types associated with the fpalist package. The Boolean argument heading tells whether to print a heading on the table.
Fpa_list get_fpa_list();
struct fposition next_fpos(struct fposition p);
void p_fpa_list(Fpa_chunk c);
void p_fpalist_mem();This routine prints (to stdout) memory usage statistics for data types associated with the fpalist package.
void zap_fpa_chunks(Fpa_chunk p);
void zap_fpalist(Fpa_list p);
/* We use the Term ID to order FPA lists. */ #define FPA_ID_TYPE unsigned #define FPA_ID_MAX UINT_MAX #define FPA_ID(t) (((Term) t)-> /* I experimented with using the address of the term as the term ID for ordering FPA lists. Although not technically legal in C (because addresses in different arrays (malloced blocks) are compared), I believe it works correctly on all modern systems. (It didn't work in DOS.) However, there is a practical problem. On some systems, malloc() returns addresses in increasing order, and on others, they are decreasing, giving answers to queries in the reverse order, causing different searches. define FPA_ID_TYPE Term define FPA_ID_MAX ((Term) ULONG_MAX) // define FPA_ID(t) ((Term) t) */ #define FLT(x,y) (FPA_ID(x) < FPA_ID(y)) #define FGT(x,y) (FPA_ID(x) > FPA_ID(y)) #define FLE(x,y) (FPA_ID(x) <= FPA_ID(y)) #define FGE(x,y) (FPA_ID(x) >= FPA_ID(y)) #define FTERM(p) ((p).f == NULL ? NULL : (p).f->d[(p).i]) /* FPA lists */ typedef struct fpa_chunk *Fpa_chunk; typedef struct fpa_list *Fpa_list; struct fpa_chunk { int size; /* size of array */ Term *d; /* array for chunk */ int n; /* current number of items in chunk (right justified) */ Fpa_list head; /* beginning of list to which this chunk belongs */ Fpa_chunk next; /* list of chunks is singly-linked */ }; struct fpa_list { Fpa_chunk chunks; int num_chunks; int chunksize; int num_terms; }; /* to maintain a position in an FPA list while traversing for set operations */ struct fposition { Fpa_chunk f; int i; };