#include "discrimw.h"

This page has information from files discrimw.h and discrimw.c.


Public Routines in File discrimw.c




void discrim_wild_cancel(Discrim_pos pos);
This routine should be called if you get some, but not all answers to a wild discrimintaion query. The memory associated the retrieval state is freed.
void *discrim_wild_retrieve_first(Term t, Discrim root,
				  Discrim_pos *ppos);
This routine, along with discrim_wild_retrieve_next(), gets answers from a wild discrimination index. This routine retrieves the first object associated with a term more general than Term t. (NULL is returned if there is none.)

If an object is returned, Discrim_pos *ppos is set to the retrieval state and is used for subsequent discrim_tame_retrieve_next() calls.

If you to get some, but not all answers, you must call discrim_wild_cancel() to clear the substitution and free memory associated with the Discrim_pos.

void *discrim_wild_retrieve_next(Discrim_pos pos);
This routine retrieves the next object in the sequence of answers to a query of a wild discrimination tree. See discrim_wild_retrieve_first().
void discrim_wild_update(Term t, Discrim root, void *object, Indexop op);
This routine inserts (op==INSERT) or deletes (op==DELETE) an object into/from a wild discrimination index. Term t is the key, root is the root of the discrimination tree, and *object is a pointer (in many cases, *object will be t). See discrim_tame_retrieve_first().

A fatal error occurs if yout ry to delete an object that was not previouly inserted.

void fprint_discrim_wild_index(FILE *fp, Discrim d);
This routine prints (to FILE *fp) a wild discrimination index.
void fprint_discrimw_mem(FILE *fp, BOOL heading);
This routine prints (to FILE *fp) memory usage statistics for data types associated with the discrimw package. The Boolean argument heading tells whether to print a heading on the table.
void p_discrim_wild_index(Discrim d);
This routine prints (to stdout) a wild discrimination index.
void p_discrimw_mem(void);
This routine prints (to stdout) memory usage statistics for data types associated with the discrimw package.

Public Definitions in File discrimw.h


Discrimination tree indexing in which all variables variables are represented as wildcards in the index. Matching occurs after retrieval of candidates.