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KXL Reference
The outline of KXL
It makes for the time being
Global variables.
- KXL_KEY_xxx
- KXL_Image
- KXL_Rect
- KXL_Polygon
Window-related description
- KXL_DisplayName
- KXL_CreateWindow
- KXL_DeleteWindow
Frame-related description
- KXL_ReSizeFrame
- KXL_UpDateRect
- KXL_UpDateImm
- KXL_UpDate - For the compatibility of 1.1.4 or earlier
- KXL_ClearFrameRect
- KXL_ClearFrameImm
- KXL_ClearFrame - For the compatibility of 1.1.4 or earlier
Text-related description
- KXL_Font
- KXL_PutText
- KXL_TextWidth
Draw-related description
- KXL_SetDrawColor
- KXL_DrawPoint
- KXL_DrawLine
- KXL_DrawRectangle
- KXL_DrawPolygon
Image-related description
- KXL_LoadBitmap
- KXL_CopyImageRect
- KXL_CopyImageImm
- KXL_CopyImage - For the compatibility of 1.1.4 or earlier
- KXL_CopyStretchImageRect
- KXL_CopyStretchImageImm
- KXL_CopyStretchImage
- KXL_StrechImage - For the compatibility of 1.1.4 or earlier
- KXL_PutImage
- KXL_PutImageRect
- KXL_PutImageImm
- KXL_PutRectImage - For the compatibility of 1.1.4 or earlier
- KXL_PutStretchImage
- KXL_PutStretchImageRect
- KXL_PutStretchImageImm
- KXL_DeleteImage
Event-related description
- KXL_CheckEvents
- KXL_GetEvents
- KXL_GetKey
- KXL_GetButton
Sound-related description
- KXL_InitSound
- KXL_PlaySound
- KXL_EndSound
Timer-related description
- KXL_Timer
- KXL_GetTimer
- KXL_ResetTimer