Index of types

advice [ExtUnixAll]
access pattern
advice [ExtUnixSpecific]
access pattern
at_flag [ExtUnixAll]
at_flag [ExtUnixSpecific]

carray [ExtUnixAll]
type of bigarray used by BA submodules that read from files into bigarrays or write bigarrays into files.
carray [ExtUnixSpecific]
type of bigarray used by BA submodules that read from files into bigarrays or write bigarrays into files.
carray8 [ExtUnixAll]
type of bigarray used by BA submodules that work with endianness and memory.
carray8 [ExtUnixSpecific]
type of bigarray used by BA submodules that work with endianness and memory.

iov [ExtUnixAll.BA]
I/O vector.
iov [ExtUnixSpecific.BA]
I/O vector.

mlockall_flag [ExtUnixAll]
mlockall flag
mlockall_flag [ExtUnixSpecific]
mlockall flag

open_flag [ExtUnixAll]
open_flag [ExtUnixSpecific]

priority [ExtUnixAll]
Priority for a user id
priority [ExtUnixSpecific]
Priority for a user id
ptrace_request [ExtUnixAll]
ptrace_request [ExtUnixSpecific]

resource [ExtUnixAll]
resource [ExtUnixSpecific]

socket_int_option [ExtUnixAll]
Extra socket options with integer value not covered in Unix module
socket_int_option [ExtUnixSpecific]
Extra socket options with integer value not covered in Unix module
splice_flag [ExtUnixAll]
splice functions flags
splice_flag [ExtUnixSpecific]
splice functions flags
ssi [ExtUnixAll]
This type represents signal information that is read(2) from the signalfd.
ssi [ExtUnixSpecific]
This type represents signal information that is read(2) from the signalfd.
st_flag [ExtUnixAll]
file system flags
st_flag [ExtUnixSpecific]
file system flags
statvfs [ExtUnixAll]
Update atime relative to mtime/ctime.
statvfs [ExtUnixSpecific]
Update atime relative to mtime/ctime.
sysconf_name [ExtUnixAll]
name of the variable
sysconf_name [ExtUnixSpecific]
name of the variable

t [ExtUnixAll.Rlimit]
t [ExtUnixAll.Uname]
t [ExtUnixSpecific.Rlimit]
t [ExtUnixSpecific.Uname]

which_prio_t [ExtUnixAll]
priority target
which_prio_t [ExtUnixSpecific]
priority target