type t
type expect_match =
[ `Contains of string
| `Eof
| `Exact of string
| `Fun of string -> bool
| `Prefix of string
| `Suffix of string
| `Timeout ]
val spawn :
?verbose:bool ->
?verbose_output:(string -> unit) ->
?timeout:float option ->
?env:string array ->
?use_stderr:bool -> string -> string array -> Expect.t
val set_timeout : Expect.t -> float option -> Expect.t
val send : Expect.t -> string -> unit
val expect :
Expect.t ->
?fmatches:(string -> 'a option) list ->
(Expect.expect_match * 'a) list -> 'a -> 'a
val close : Expect.t -> Unix.process_status
val with_spawn :
?verbose:bool ->
?verbose_output:(string -> unit) ->
?timeout:float option ->
?env:string array ->
?use_stderr:bool ->
string ->
string array -> (Expect.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a * Unix.process_status