L | |
lappend [Pa_estring] | lappend ll1 ll2 appends ll2 to ll1
ldrop [Pa_estring] | ldrop count ll returns ll without its firsts count
lfoldr [Pa_estring] | lfoldr f g l fold_right-like function for llist.
list_of_llist [Pa_estring] |
Returns the list of elements contained in a llist
llength [Pa_estring] |
Returns the length of a llist
llist_expr [Pa_estring] | llist_expr f ll returns the expression representing a list
with element obtained by applying f on element of ll
llist_of_list [Pa_estring] | llist_of_list loc l Create a llist with all elements from l .
llist_patt [Pa_estring] | llist_patt f ll same as Pa_estring.llist_expr but for patterns
loc_of_llist [Pa_estring] |
Returns the location of the first element of a llist
ltake [Pa_estring] | ltake count ll returns the firsts count elements of ll .
R | |
register_expr_specifier [Pa_estring] | register_expr_specifier spec f registers f as a mapping
function for string with the specifier spec in expressions.
register_patt_specifier [Pa_estring] | register_patt_specifier spec f same thing but for strings in
register_shared_expr [Pa_estring] | register_shared_expr context expr registers expr as a shared
constant and return the identifier to which it is bound.
register_when_specifier [Pa_estring] | register_when_specifier spec f same thing, but for strings in
match case, which will be compared using a when clause.
U | |
unescape [Pa_estring] | unescape loc str returns the unescaped version of str where
each unescaped character position has been computed