module Expr_Op: Expr_Op_T
The module containing the expression operators.
val ($|) : Cf_dfa.T.x -> Cf_dfa.T.x -> Cf_dfa.T.x
Use a $| b
to compose an expression that matches either a
in the symbol stream.
val ($&) : Cf_dfa.T.x -> Cf_dfa.T.x -> Cf_dfa.T.x
Use a $& b
to compose an expression that matches a
followed by
in the symbol stream.
val ( !* ) : Cf_dfa.T.x -> Cf_dfa.T.x
Use !*a
to compose an expression that matches zero or more
occurances of a
in the symbol stream.
val (!+) : Cf_dfa.T.x -> Cf_dfa.T.x
Use !+a
to compose an expression that matches one or more
occurances of a
in the symbol stream.
val (!?) : Cf_dfa.T.x -> Cf_dfa.T.x
Use !?a
to compose an expression that matches zero or one
occurance of a
in the symbol stream.
val (!:) : S.t -> Cf_dfa.T.x
Use !:sym
to compose an expression that matches the symbol sym
in the symbol stream.
val (!^) : (S.t -> bool) -> Cf_dfa.T.x
Use !^f
to compose an expression that matches any symbol in the
symbol stream for which applying the function f
returns true
val (!~) : S.t Cf_seq.t -> Cf_dfa.T.x
Use !~z
to compose an expression that matches the sequence of
symbols z
in the symbol stream.