Module Cf_deque.B

module B: Direction_T 
Operations on the right end of a deque.

val push : 'a -> 'a Cf_deque.t -> 'a Cf_deque.t
push x d adds the element x to the end of the deque d. The average cost is constant. Worst-case running time is O(log N), which happens once in every N operations. Not tail-recursive.
val pop : 'a Cf_deque.t -> ('a * 'a Cf_deque.t) option
pop d returns None if d is the empty deque, otherwise it returns Some (x, d') where x is the element on the end of the deque, and d' is the remainder of d with the element x removed. The average cost is constant. Worst-case running time is O(log N), which happens once in every N operations. Not tail-recursive.
val head : 'a Cf_deque.t -> 'a
head d returns the element at the end of the deque d. Raises Not_found if the deque is empty. Not tail-recursive.
val tail : 'a Cf_deque.t -> 'a Cf_deque.t
tail d is discards the element at the end of the deque d. Raises Not_found if the deque is empty. Not tail-recursive.
val fold : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a Cf_deque.t -> 'b
fold f a0 d is f (... (f (f a0 e0) e1) ...) en when e0..en are the elements of the deque d. Not tail recursive.
val of_list : 'a list -> 'a Cf_deque.t
Use of_list s to construct a deque from a list of elements. Th resulting elements begin at the head of the deque.
val of_seq : 'a Cf_seq.t -> 'a Cf_deque.t
Use of_seq z to construct a deque from a sequence of elements. Evaluates the whole sequence and the resulting elements begin at the head of the deque..
val to_list : 'a Cf_deque.t -> 'a list
to_list d returns the elements in the deque in the order they would appear by successive calls of pop d.
val to_seq : 'a Cf_deque.t -> 'a Cf_seq.t
to_seq d returns a lazily evaluated sequence of the elements in the deque in the order they would appear by successive calls of pop d.
val to_seq2 : 'a Cf_deque.t -> ('a * 'a Cf_deque.t) Cf_seq.t
to_seq2 d returns a lazily evaluated sequence of the pairs (hd, tl) obtained by successively calling of pop d.