Index of values

annot_of_type_expr [Atd_ast]
Return the annotations associated with a type expression.

create_id [Atd_annot]
Create a unique numeric ID

default_annot [Atd_print]
dummy_loc [Atd_ast]
Dummy value for predefined constructs that are not associated with a useful source location.

error [Atd_ast]
error s is a shorthand for raise (Atd_error s).
error_at [Atd_ast]
error_at loc s raises Atd_error s' where s' is the location followed by s.
expand_module_body [Atd_inherit]
Expand inherit statements found in sum types and product types.
expand_module_body [Atd_expand]
Monomorphization of type expressions.
extract_type_names [Atd_ast]
Extract all the type names occurring in a type expression under `Name, without duplicates.

fold [Atd_ast]
Iteration and accumulation over each type_expr node within a given type_expr.
format [Atd_print]

get_doc [Atd_doc]
Get and parse doc data from annotations.
get_field [Atd_annot]
get_field parse default section_names field_name annotations looks sequentially into the sections specified by section_names for a field named field_name.
get_flag [Atd_annot]
get_flag section_names field_name looks sequentially into the sections specified by section_names for a field named field_name.

has_field [Atd_annot]
has_field section_names field_name annotations returns true if at least one section exists with a name in section_names and one of its fields named field_name.
has_section [Atd_annot]
Return true if such a section (first-level key) exists.
html_of_doc [Atd_doc]
Convert parsed doc into HTML.

is_parametrized [Atd_ast]
Test whether a type expression contains type variables (`Tvar).

load_file [Atd_util]
Read an ATD file.
load_string [Atd_util]
Read ATD data from a string.
loc_of_type_expr [Atd_ast]
Extract the source location of any type expression.

map_all_annot [Atd_ast]
Replacement of all annotations occurring in an ATD module.
map_annot [Atd_ast]
Replacement of the annotations associated with a type expression.
merge [Atd_annot]
Merge sections of the same name together, and keeps only the first occurrence of each field.

parse_text [Atd_doc]
Parse the contents of a doc.text annotation.
print_full_module_def [Atd_reflect]
print_full_module_def buf name x prints OCaml source code that would construct the given ATD tree x and call it name.

read_channel [Atd_util]
Read an ATD file from an in_channel.
read_lexbuf [Atd_util]
Read an ATD file from a lexbuf.

set_field [Atd_annot]
set_field loc section_name field_name value annotations sets a field, reusing existing section section_name if it exists, preserving the position of field field_name and overwriting its value if it exists.
set_type_expr_loc [Atd_ast]
Replace the location of the given expression.
string_of_loc [Atd_ast]
Convert a location into a human-readable string such as File "foo.atd", line 123, characters 40-45.
string_of_type_name [Atd_print]
Convert a type name with its arguments and its annotations into a string.

to_buffer [Atd_indent]
Write to a buffer.
to_channel [Atd_indent]
Write to a channel.
to_stdout [Atd_indent]
Write to stdout.
to_string [Atd_indent]
Write to a string.
tsort [Atd_util]
Topological sort for dependency analysis.