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The BOX interval library is aimed to be used through the APRON interface.
Use of Box | ||
Allocating Box managers |
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To use BOX in C, add
#include "box.h" |
in your source file(s) and add ‘-I$(BOX_PREFIX)/include’ in the command line in your Makefile.
You should also link your object files with the BOX library to produce an executable, by adding something like ‘-L$(APRON_PREFIX)/lib -lboxmpq -litvmpq’ in the command line in your Makefile (followed by the standard ‘-lapron -litvmpq -litvdbl -L$(MPFR_PREFIX)/lib -lmpfr -L$(GMP_PREFIX)/lib -lgmp’).
There are actually several variants of the library:
The underlying representation for numbers is rationals based on
long long int
integers. This may cause overflows. These are
currently not detected. It requires also the ‘libitvllr.a’
The underlying representations for numbers is double
. Overflows
are not possible (we use infinite floating numbers), but currently the
soundness is not ensured for all operations. It requires also the
‘libitvdbl.a’ library.
The underlying representations for rationams is mpq_t
, the
multi-precision rationals from the GNU GMP library. Overflows are not
possible any more, but huge numbers may appear. It requires also the
‘libitvmpq.a’ library.
Also, all library are available in debug mode (‘libboxmpq_debug.a’, ...).
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Allocate a APRON manager linked to the Box library.
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