libao documentation |
libao version 1.1.0 - 20110221 |
declared in "ao/ao.h";
Open a live playback audio device for output.
ao_device* ao_open_live(int driver_id, ao_sample_format *format, ao_option *options); |
non-NULL pointer inicates success. This pointer must be passed in subsequent calls to ao_play() and ao_close(). NULL indicates failure. errno will contain the specific cause of the failure:
- AO_ENODRIVER - No driver corresponds to driver_id.
- AO_ENOTLIVE - This driver is not a live output device.
- AO_EBADOPTION - A valid option key has an invalid value.
- AO_EOPENDEVICE - Cannot open the device (for example, if /dev/dsp cannot be opened for writing).
- AO_EFAIL - Any other cause of failure.
File output drivers cannot be used with this function. Use ao_open_file() instead.
copyright © 2001-2003 Stan Seibert, 2010-2011 Monty |
libao documentation |
libao version 1.1.0 - 20110221 |