Example: DSM-CC DownloadServerInitiate (DSI)

# dvbsnoop -nph -n 1 -if stream.0x817

dvbsnoop V1.2.62 -- http://dvbsnoop.sourceforge.net/ 
SECT-Packet: 00000003   PID: (Unknown PID), Length: 115 (0x0073)
from file: stream.0x817
Guess table from table id...
Table_ID: 59 (0x3b)  [= DSM-CC - U-N messages (DSI or DII)]
Section_syntax_indicator: 1 (0x01)
private_indicator: 0 (0x00)
reserved_1: 3 (0x03)
dsmcc_section_length: 112 (0x0070)
table_id_extension: 0 (0x0000)
reserved_3: 3 (0x03)
Version_number: 8 (0x08)
Current_next_indicator: 1 (0x01)  [= valid now]
Section_number: 0 (0x00)
Last_section_number: 0 (0x00)
DSM-CC Message Header:
    protocolDiscriminator: 17 (0x11)
    dsmccType: 3 (0x03)  [= Download message]
    messageId: 4102 (0x1006)  [= DownloadServerInitiate (DSI)]
    transactionID: 2147483648 (0x80000000)
      ==> originator: 2 (0x02)  [= assigned by the network]
      ==> version: 0 (0x0000)
      ==> identification: 0 (0x0000)
      ==> update toggle flag: 0 (0x00)
    reserved: 255 (0xff)
    adaptionLength: 0 (0x00)
    messageLength: 91 (0x005b)
Server-ID  (NSAP address):
    Authority and Format Identifier: 255 (0xff)
    Type: 255 (0xff)
    address bytes:
          0000:  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
          0010:  ff ff                                              ..
DSMCC_Compatibility Descriptor (loop):
    compatibilityDescriptorLength: 0 (0x0000)
privateDataLength: 67 (0x0043)
guessing private data: BIOP::ServiceGatewayInfo:
        type_id_length: 4 (0x00000004)
        type_id: "srg."
        taggedProfiles_count: 1 (0x00000001)
        profileId_tag: 1230196486 (0x49534f06)  [= TAG_BIOP]
        profile_data_length: 43 (0x0000002b)
              0000:  00 02 49 53 4f 50 0d 00  00 00 05 00 01 01 00 04   ..ISOP..........
              0010:  00 00 00 01 49 53 4f 40  12 01 00 00 00 16 00 0e   ....ISO@........
              0020:  0a 00 01 80 00 00 0a ff  ff ff ff                  ...........
    downloadTaps_count: 0 (0x00)
    serviceContextList_count: 0 (0x00)
    userInfoLength: 0 (0x0000)
CRC: 3658380402 (0xda0e7472)
