$Id: README.txt,v 1.2 2003/06/30 17:20:24 pzn Exp $ EEP24C is a program to read from and write to 24Cxxx eeprom devices. You can find the hardware schematics at the files: "eep.ps.gz" or if you prefer in "eep.jpg" Hardware connections: Build the hardware using the schematics and connect it to the parallel port of the computer. Common options: It uses by default LPT1 = 0x378. If you want to change it, edit the configuration file. Compiling/installing in GNU/Linux systems: make make install DESTDIR=/ edit the configuration file /etc/eep24c/eep24c.cfg Note: this program will access the parallel port hardware, it needs to be run by root or need to be root setuid. If you want only root to use it, than it is ready for use. If you want you can use the command: "chmod +s /usr/bin/eep24c" to enable all users. To uninstall try: make uninstall DESTDIR=/ Compiling/installing in DOS systems: edit common.h and read the instructions Compile with your prefered compiler. Choose "compact" memory model. Put the .exe files and also eep24c.cfg in C:\eep24c\ Modify eep24.cfg if needed.