
Quick Tutorial
Editing Files
Search Commands
Bit-wise Operations
Find and Replace
Yank and Put
Partial File Read



Command Overview


Deutsche Beschreibung

Quick Tutorial

To customize bvi some additional :set options are available. You can add them to your .bvirc file, if you need them all the time.


You can set the number of columns on the screen to an arbitrary value. This might be useful if you edit a file with a fixed record length.
Default value is the max. number of columns, divisible by four.
Example: :set columns=13RETURN
Abbreviation: :set cm=9RETURN


This option enables the commands for inserting and deleting bytes.
Default: :set nomemmoveRETURN
Abbreviation: :set mmRETURN


You can change the beginning of the displayed byte numbering to a certain number. The default address of the first byte is 0. You can change it to 1 or to any other number by typing:
  :set offset=1RETURN
You can also use a hexadecimal address, if you type a leading zero:
  :set of=01FFRETURN
The only commands which are not affected by these numbering is :f or CTRL -G. These commands always designates the first byte in file as 1.


The rightmost character in the status line displays the ASCII value of the current byte. For values below 32 you can use the notation used on the ascii(7) man page (like NUL, SOH, STX etc.) if you do a
:set unixstyleRETURN or a
:set usRETURN. If you do a
:set nousRETURN you get a DOS style representation (^A, ^B, ^C etc.).


This setting is used to define the minimum length of a "word". A "word" is a sequence of ASCII characters within a binary file. The commands w, b, e, W, B and E are affected by this setting.

Default: :set wordlength=4RETURN
Abbreviation: :set wl=4RETURN

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Last update: Thu Jun 01 12:00:00 CEST 2000 by Gerhard Bürgmann, Purkersdorf/Austria