winop changes window
winop image subcommand ...
winop image colors ?-alpha? srcImage
winop image convolve srcImage destImage filter
winop image gradient image leftcolor rightcolor ?lines|normal|rectangular|linear|radial|sine|halfsine|blank? ?skew?
winop image merge srcImage1 srcImage2 destImage ?alpha?
winop image mirror srcImage1 destImage ?x|y|xy|tile?
winop image quantize srcImage destImage ?nColors?
winop image readjpeg filename photoname
winop image resample srcImage destImage ?horizFilter? ?vertFilter?
winop image rotate srcImage destImage angle
winop image subsample srcImage destImage x y width height ?horizFilter? ?vertFilter?
winop image snap window photoName
winop image transparent srcImage destImage color
winop lower ?window?...
winop map ?window?...
winop move window x y
winop query
winop raise ?window?...
winop unmap ?window?...
winop warpto ?window?
For example, if you positioned a toplevel window using wm geometry, the window may not actually be at those particular coordinates. The position of the window may be offset by dimensions of the title bar added by the window manager.
In situations like these, the winop command can be used to workaround
these difficulties. Instead, it makes low-level Xlib (such XRaiseWindow
and XMapWindow) calls to perform these operations.
# Set the geometry to make the window manager
# Move the window to the desired location
wm deiconify .top
toplevel .top
The following operations are available for the winop command:
wm withdraw .top
# place the window.
wm geometry .top +100+100
# and "update" to force the window manager
# to recognize it.
winop move .top 100 100
winop move .top 100 100
[I've never heard a good case for warping the pointer in an application. It can be useful for testing, but in applications, it's always a bad idea. Simply stated, the user owns the pointer, not the application. If you have an application that needs it, I'd like to hear about it.]
If no window argument is present the current location of the pointer is returned. The location is returned as a list in the form "x y", where x and y are the current coordinates of the pointer.