Index of values

accent_insensitive [Agrep.Iso8859_15]
Translation table identifying accented letters with the corresponding non-accented letters, while still preserving case.

case_and_accent_insensitive [Agrep.Iso8859_15]
Translation table identifying accented letters with the corresponding non-accented letters, and uppercase and lowercase letters.
case_insensitive [Agrep.Iso8859_15]
Translation table identifying uppercase and lowercase letters.

errors_substring_match [Agrep]
Same as Agrep.substring_match, but return the smallest number of errors such that the substring matches the pattern.

pattern [Agrep]
Compile a search pattern.
pattern_string [Agrep]
Agrep.pattern_string s returns a pattern that matches exactly the string s and nothing else.

string_match [Agrep]
string_match pat text tests whether the string text matches the compiled pattern pat.
substring_match [Agrep]
Same as Agrep.string_match, but restrict the match to the substring of the given string starting at character number pos and extending len characters.