This script reads alignments in maf format, and writes them in another format. It can write them in these formats: axt, blast, html, psl, sam, tab. You can use it like this:
maf-convert psl my-alignments.maf > my-alignments.psl
It's often convenient to pipe in the input, like this:
... | maf-convert psl > my-alignments.psl
The input should be "multiple alignment format" as described in the UCSC Genome FAQ (not "MIRA assembly format" or any other maf).
This script takes the first (topmost) MAF sequence as the "reference" / "subject" / "target", and the second sequence as the "query".
For html: if the input includes probability lines starting with 'p', then the output will be coloured by column probability. (To get lines starting with 'p', run lastal with option -j set to 4 or higher.)
-h, --help Print a help message and exit. -p, --protein Specify that the alignments are of proteins, rather than nucleotides. This affects psl format only (the first 4 columns). -n, --noheader Omit any header lines from the output. This may be useful if you concatenate outputs, e.g. from parallel jobs. -d, --dictionary Include a dictionary of sequence lengths in the sam header section (lines starting with @SQ). This requires reading the input twice, so it must be a real file (not a pipe). This affects sam format only. -f DICTFILE, --dictfile=DICTFILE Get a sequence dictionary from DICTFILE. This affects sam format only. You can create a dict file using CreateSequenceDictionary ( -r READGROUP, --readgroup=READGROUP Specify read group information. This affects sam format only. Example: -r 'ID:1 PL:ILLUMINA SM:mysample' -l CHARS, --linesize=CHARS Write CHARS characters per line. This affects blast and html formats only.
To run fast on multiple CPUs, and get a correct header at the top, this may be the least-awkward way. First, make a header (perhaps by using CreateSequenceDictionary). Then, concatenate the output of a command like this:
parallel-fastq "... | maf-convert -n sam" < q.fastq
Here is yet another way to get a sequence dictionary, using samtools ( Assume the reference sequences are in ref.fa. These commands convert x.sam to y.bam while adding a sequence dictionary:
samtools faidx ref.fa samtools view -bt ref.fa.fai x.sam > y.bam
If a query name ends in "/1" or "/2", maf-convert interprets it as a paired sequence. (This affects sam format only.) However, it does not calculate all of the sam pairing information (because it's hard and better done by specialized sam manipulators).
Fix the pair information in y.sam, putting the output in z.bam. Using picard:
java -jar FixMateInformation.jar I=y.sam O=z.bam VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT
Using samtools:
samtools sort -n y.bam ysorted samtools fixmate ysorted.bam z.bam