
This program estimates "split alignments" (typically for DNA) or "spliced alignments" (typically for RNA).

It reads candidate alignments of query sequences to a genome, and looks for a unique best alignment for each part of each query. It allows different parts of one query to match different parts of the genome. This is useful for DNA queries that cross rearrangement breakpoints, or RNA queries that cross splice junctions.


Split alignment of DNA reads to a genome

Assume the DNA reads are in a file called "q.fastq" (in fastq-sanger format), and the genome is in "genome.fasta" (in fasta format). We can do the alignment like this:

lastdb -m1111110 db genome.fasta
lastal -Q1 -e120 db q.fastq | last-split > out.maf

Spliced alignment of RNA reads to a genome

Now we assume that "q.fastq" has reads from RNA forward strands. This time, we provide the genome information to last-split, which causes it to do spliced instead of split alignment, and also tells it where the splice signals are (GT, AG, etc):

lastdb -m1111110 db genome.fasta
lastal -Q1 -e120 db q.fastq | last-split -g db > out.maf

This will favour splices starting at GT (and to a lesser extent GC and AT), and ending at AG (and to a lesser extent AC). However, it allows splices starting and ending anywhere. It also favours splices with introns of typical length, specified by a log-normal distribution (i.e. cis-splices). However, it allows arbitrary trans-splices between any two places in the genome.


Q:Before aligning RNA, should poly-A tails be trimmed?
A:It's not essential, but it might make things faster. Poly-A tracts tend to have many matches in the genome. By trimming, you can prevent lastal and last-split from wasting time on such matches.

Going faster by parallelization

For example, split alignment of DNA reads to a genome:

parallel-fastq "lastal -Q1 -e120 db | last-split" < q.fastq > out.maf

This requires GNU parallel to be installed (


The output is in MAF(-like) format:

a score=150 mismap=0.000413
s chr21  15963638 25 + 48129895 TCAGATGAGGACCTAATTTATTACT
s query7       50 25 +       75 TCAGATGAGGACCTAATTTATTACT
q query7                        EBEEC@CE=EEE?FEDAED5?@@D@
p                               !#$'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

The "mismap" is the estimated probability that this part of the query should be aligned to a different part of the genome. The line starting with "p" indicates the probability that each base should be aligned to a different part of the genome. It uses a compact code:

Symbol Error probability Symbol Error probability
! 0.79 -- 1 0 0.025 -- 0.032
" 0.63 -- 0.79 1 0.02 -- 0.025
# 0.5 -- 0.63 2 0.016 -- 0.02
$ 0.4 -- 0.5 3 0.013 -- 0.016
% 0.32 -- 0.4 4 0.01 -- 0.013
& 0.25 -- 0.32 5 0.0079 -- 0.01
' 0.2 -- 0.25 6 0.0063 -- 0.0079
( 0.16 -- 0.2 7 0.005 -- 0.0063
) 0.13 -- 0.16 8 0.004 -- 0.005
* 0.1 -- 0.13 9 0.0032 -- 0.004
+ 0.079 -- 0.1 : 0.0025 -- 0.0032
, 0.063 -- 0.079 ; 0.002 -- 0.0025
- 0.05 -- 0.063 < 0.0016 -- 0.002
. 0.04 -- 0.05 = 0.0013 -- 0.0016
/ 0.032 -- 0.04 > 0.001 -- 0.0013

Other symbols indicate lower error probabilities, and "~" is the lowest possible. In general:

Error probability <= 10 ^ -((ASCII value - 33) / 10)

The "mismap" is simply the lowest probability from the "p" line.

Split versus spliced alignment

Here is a split alignment:

Query         ttctttgat--gctagtcctgatgttatggtattttttatcgaatgataa
                |||||||--||||||                |||x||||||||||||
Genome chrA  ...ctttgatatgctagt...             |||x||||||||||||
Genome chrB                                 ...tttatatcgaatgata...

And here is a spliced alignment:

Query        ctagtcgatatt--gctgtacgtctgttagctat-tttttcctctgtttg
Genome chrA  ...gtctatattatgctgtacgt... |||||||-|||||x|||||
Genome chrB                          ...tagctatattttttctctg...

Split alignment allows arbitrarily large unaligned parts in the middle of the query, whereas spliced alignment applies a standard gap penalty. (Both allow arbitrarily large unaligned parts at the edges of the query.)

Specialized examples

Faster spliced alignment

Spliced alignment can be slow. It can be sped up, at a small cost in accuracy, by not favouring cis-splices:

lastdb -m1111110 db genome.fasta
lastal -Q1 -e120 db q.fastq | last-split -c0 -t0.004 -g db > out.maf

The -c0 turns off cis-splicing, and the -t0.004 specifies a higher probability of trans-splicing.

"Spliced" alignment of DNA reads to a genome

If we do not wish to allow arbitrarily large unaligned parts in the middle of the query, we can do "spliced" alignment without considering splice signals or favouring cis-splices:

lastdb -m1111110 db genome.fasta
lastal -Q1 -e120 db q.fastq | last-split -c0 > out.maf


-h, --help Show a help message, with default option values, and exit.
-g, --genome=NAME
 Do spliced alignment, and read splice signals (GT, AG, etc) from the named genome. NAME should be the name of a lastdb database.
-d, --direction=D
 Do spliced alignment, and set the strandedness of the queries: 0=reverse, 1=forward, 2=unknown/mixed. This determines whether forward and/or reverse-complement splice signals are used.
-c, --cis=PROB Do spliced alignment, and set the average probability per base of cis-splicing. The default value roughly fits human RNA.
-t, --trans=PROB
 Do spliced alignment, and set the average probability per base of trans-splicing.
-M, --mean=MEAN
 Do spliced alignment, and set the mean of ln(intron length). The default value fits human RNA.
-S, --sdev=SDEV
 Do spliced alignment, and set the standard deviation of ln(intron length). The default value fits human RNA.
-m, --mismap=PROB
 Don't write alignments with mismap probability > PROB. Low-confidence alignments will be discarded unless you increase this value!
-s, --score=INT

Don't write alignments with score < INT.

For SPLIT alignment, the default value is e (the lastal score threshold). Alignments with score just above INT will get high mismap probabilities.

For SPLICED alignment, the default value is e + t * ln(1000), where t is a scale factor that is written in the lastal header. This roughly means that, for every alignment it writes, it has considered alternative alignments with one-thousandth the probability. Alignments with score just above INT will not necessarily get high mismap probabilities.

-n, --no-split Do probability calculations as usual, but write the original alignments, annotated with "p" lines and mismap probabilities. Note that the mismap and score limits still apply.
-v, --verbose Show progress information on the screen.
-V, --version Show version information and exit.


The following points matter only if you are doing something unusual (e.g. bisulfite alignment):


last-split does not support:

To do