Socks Daemon Control (sdc)

sdc is used to control the socks daemon, and display status information about it.  The following arguments are accepted:
status [time] Display status information on the currently listening daemons.  If time is specified, the process repeats every time seconds.
reload Cause sockd to re-read the configuration file
newlog Cause sockd to reopen the usage log.  New startup records for every active client are written.
dumpconfig Cause sockd to dump its current configuration to the file given by dump-file, with sockd's pid appended.
dumpclients Cause sockd to dump information about all active clients to the file given by client-file,  with sockd's pid appended.
unlisten Cause sockd to stop listening.  Existing connections remain open, but no new connections will be created.  Sockd will also stop listening to sdc at this point.
stop Stop sockd.  This will close any open connections.
start Launch /opt/socks/sbin/sockd
restart Equivalent to unlisten followed by start