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16. Handling SGF trees in memory

SGF - Smart Game Format - is a file format which is used for storing game records for a number of different games, among them chess and go. The format is a framework with special adaptions to each game. This is not a description of the file format standard. Too see the exact definition of the file format, see http://www.red-bean.com/sgf/.

GNU Go contains a library to handle go game records in the SGF format in memory and to read and write SGF files. This library - libsgf.a - is in the sgf subdirectory. To use the SGF routines, include the file ‘sgftree.h’.

Each game record is stored as a tree of nodes, where each node represents a state of the game, often after some move is made. Each node contains zero or more properties, which gives meaning to the node. There can also be a number of child nodes which are different variations of the game tree. The first child node is the main variation.

Here is the definition of SGFNode, and SGFProperty, the data structures which are used to encode the game tree.

typedef struct SGFProperty_t {
  struct SGFProperty_t *next;
  short  name;
  char   value[1];
} SGFProperty;

typedef struct SGFNode_t {
  SGFProperty      *props;
  struct SGFNode_t *parent;
  struct SGFNode_t *child;
  struct SGFNode_t *next;
} SGFNode;

Each node of the SGF tree is stored in an SGFNode struct. It has a pointer to a linked list of properties (see below) called props. It also has a pointer to a linked list of children, where each child is a variation which starts at this node. The variations are linked through the next pointer and each variation continues through the child pointer. Each and every node also has a pointer to its parent node (the parent field), except the top node whose parent pointer is NULL.

An SGF property is encoded in the SGFPoperty struct. It is linked in a list through the next field. A property has a name which is encoded in a short int. Symbolic names of properties can be found in ‘sgf_properties.h’.

Some properties also have a value, which could be an integer, a floating point value, a character or a string. These values can be accessed or set through special functions.

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16.1 The SGFTree datatype

Sometimes we just want to record an ongoing game or something similarly simple and not do any sofisticated tree manipulation. In that case we can use the simplified interface provided by SGFTree below.

typedef struct SGFTree_t {
  SGFNode *root;
  SGFNode *lastnode;
} SGFTree;

An SGFTree contains a pointer to the root node of an SGF tree and a pointer to the node that we last accessed. Most of the time this will be the last move of an ongoing game.

Most of the functions which manipulate an SGFTree work exactly like their SGFNode counterparts, except that they work on the current node of the tree.

All the functions below that take arguments tree and node will work on:

  1. node if non-NULL
  2. tree->lastnode if non-NULL
  3. The current end of the game tree.

in that order.

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